New Comer

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"Nice job Beast Boy." Alexis says as she is training in wolf form next to Beast Boy as he is fighting in the form of a tiger.

"Thanks. Getting better yourself Rose." Beast Boy says as he stares over at someone before Alexis sees he is looking at Raven.

"Watching Raven huh?" Alexis asks.

"She was having a nightmare last night." Beast Boy says.

"Let's go check on her." Alexis says as she and Beast Boy go over to Raven.

"You were having a nightmare last night. I was just wondering if everything's..." Beast Boy says.

"Look. I appreciate your concern I guess. But they're dreams. Just dreams. You know you're naked right?" Raven asks as Beast Boy shifts back to human form.

"Oh Beast Boy not again! Seriously!" Alexis shouts in alarm seeing Beast Boy naked.

"Huh? Aah! I overslept. Was rushing. Forgot to put on my uniform. Okay? So I sleep in the nude. So what? Animals are naked. I'm the entire animal kingdom crammed into a single magnificent specimen." Beast Boy says proudly as he quickly gets dressed.

"You're something crammed into something." Raven says as Alexis chuckles slightly before Blue Beetle comes over and the scarab makes noise.

"What did that thing just say?" Beast Boy asks.

"It was just laughing at you." Blue Beetle says.

"Yeah well butt out bug." Beast Boy says as he goes over and flicks the bug only for it to fire a blast at him.

"Yow! Keep that thing on a leash man!" Beast Boy shouts in alarm as he dodges the blast and hides behind Alexis.

"I told you don't annoy it." Blue Beetle says.

"Jaime's right. That scarab is not a pet. It may be fused to Jaime's spine but it's not exactly under his control." Starfire says as she walks over.

"It's like you and your pants." Raven says as she looks at Beast Boy.

"That's why Jaime's here. That's why we're all here. To help each other control our gifts. Help one another become our best selves." Starfire says.

"Where else are we gonna go? I mean we're a bunch of freaks right?" Blue Beetle asks.

"Come on Jaime. We're all family. Like the Three Amigos." Beast Boy says happily.

"Five Beast Boy. There's five of us." Alexis says as she looks at Beast Boy.

"Six. We're getting a visitor." Starfire says.


"Nightwing." Starfire says as Nightwing arrives with a boy.

"Starfire." Nightwing says as he shakes hands with Starfire.

"It's been awhile." Starfire says as she smiles.

"I know. You're looking good. This is Damian. The new Robin." Nightwing says as he introduces the boy as Alexis looks at him.

"Welcome Damian." Starfire says as everyone looks at Damian before he walks toward the door.

"I'll be in my room." Damian says.

"Would you like to-" Starfire then gets cut off by Damian..

"I think I can manage." Damian says as he goes inside..

"That is one creepy mocoso." Blue Beetle says.

"No. He might come off cold but there's something else there." Alexis says.

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