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"I just don't get it. I wish this kid would let us help him. He needs it." Alexis says as she is with Garfield in his room.

"It's not like you weren't as difficult when you first joined the group. I mean you were just as standoffish as he is." Garfield says as he looks at Alexis.

"Least I didn't go around attacking our teammates." Alexis says annoyedly.

"True. Hey! What is wrong with you? That is very dangerous. You could put out an eye with that thing. Didn't your mother tell you never to play with knives? Where are you going?" Garfield asks angrily in alarm as a sword comes through the wall before seeing Alexis leaving.

"Just going to my room is all." Alexis says.


"Oh mom... I miss you." Alexis says as she is looking at an old picture of her as a pup with her mom.

"You lost family as well?" A voice asks revealing to be Damian.

"Damian. I didn't hear you come in." Alexis says.

"What did you mean by what you said earlier?" Damian asks.

"What do you mean? I say a lot of things so you're gonna have to be more specific." Alexis says as she puts her picture down.

"You said you know how I feel when you know nothing about me. That I have trouble emotionally and physically with how I act." Damian says.

"I said that you are not exempt from what humans feel in that way. Nothing more. While I think you could stand to learn to control your emotions and stand to learn a bit of respect to myself and my teammates you are very strong physically. I will give you that. But being strong physically and mentally are two different things. I can tell you from personal experience." Alexis says as she looks at Damian.

"Like what exactly?" Damian asks.

"Simple. By learning to work together and show some respect you might find happiness. You may act fine but you're not. You're as old as I am and I can see much difference but also similarities between us. Even if you can't. I found where I belong. I think it'd do you some good to open your eyes and look for a change instead of letting your attitude and emotions do the talking. You might find you'll be happy you did. And just a warning if you throw another knife at the wall of one of my friend's bedrooms I make no promises as to that knife coming into your wall. Don't threaten my friends lives again kid. I'm a good ally but messing with my friends is not your smartest choice." Alexis says warningly.

"Can I ask you something? Why do you put up with these teenagers? Why don't you live with your other family?" Damian asks.

"I lost my family when I was very young. All of them. Garfield is like a brother to me and so is Jiame. Kori is like a mother and Racheal is like a sister. They're my family. I stay because I care about them. Caring about others can do amazing things. Just the same as doing something without getting something in return." Alexis says.

"Can you tell me about Raven? I don't like that she entered my head earlier." Damian says as Alexis sighs.

"She's an empath which I'm sure you've talked to her already. Listen Damian just as you have to learn to trust us it's the same for us with you. Don't try to force an answer about Raven. She's the most mysterious person on the team. Now if you don't mind I'm gonna go get something to eat. You're welcome to join but don't start anything please." Alexis says before leaving.


"Steady... Ah. Argh!" Garfield says as he is playing a game as a chameleon only for the blocks to fall.

"Can you please do that anywhere else?" Jiame says as he is on his computer whole Alexis is reading a book.

"Jaime?" A voice asks revealing to be Damian.

"Yeah?" Jiame asks.

"Perhaps it was a mistake to challenge you this morning without knowing the full capacity of your alien attachment. I promise you it won't happen again." Damian says before he leaves.

"Well that was... a surprise." Alexis says.

"Did he just say he's sorry?" Jiame asks in disbelief.

"Aw see? He likes you." Garfield says as he changes back to human form.

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