Possessed League

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"Don't worry. I'm not staying. I've got to keep moving to keep Trigon off my path." Raven says as the group is outside the tower with Raven.

"Where will you go?" Alexis asks sadly.

"It's better you not know. He's going to try to use you but don't worry. I put a protective spell on you. Just in case." Raven says.

"And I thought I had a bad burrito." Beast Boy says.

"Dude." Blue Beetle says.

"Guess I should've gotten your permission or whatever. But I couldn't stand for him to corrupt you. You're the only friends I've ever really had. I'll... Miss you." Raven says as she begins to leave.

"Wait! Leave now and you'll always be running." Robin says as Raven stops and looks at him.

"You have no idea what he's like Damian. You've never met a monster like Trigon." Raven says.

"You beat him once." Robin says.

"I was lucky." Raven says.

"Now you'll be four times as lucky. If we can't save one of our own who can we save?" Robin asks.

"Aww. You're coming around to us. And here I thought you hated us." Alexis says as she smiles at Robin.

"I'm not wishing you dead anymore. But I do prefer the company of some of you a bit more than others at times." Robin says as he smiles causing Alexis to blush.

"Robin's right. We are your best hope." Starfire says before a portal appears as Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash and Cyborg step through it.

"Down boy." Blue Beetle says as the scarab shows a canon ready to attack.

"We heard about the attack. Was she at the center?" Batman asks.

"Her father is an inter-dimensional demon. He was after her." Starfire says.

"She's coming with us." Batman says.

"No! We can handle this." Robin says as he steps forward.

"If she's part of this we need to know." Batman says.

"We can protect her." Robin says sternly.

"I'm sorry Raven. We've had two magic attacks and Superman is still missing." Wonder Woman says.

"No." Raven says as the others look at her.

"Raven?" Alexis asks.

"What's the matter?" Starfire asks.

"He knows they're here. He wants them here." Raven says.

"Who?" Batman asks.

"If they stay then everything will be lost." Raven says as she looks at Starfire.

"This is our job Father. You have to leave." Robin says sternly.

"She's coming with us." Batman says.

"She stays here." Robin says sternly as Alexis, Beast Boy and Blue Beetle go up beside him ready to fight.

"Maybe we should all take a breath." Starfire says.

"Too late. They're here." Raven says before the Justice League begins to be covered in shadow creatures.

"We're being compromised." Batman says as he pulls out a syringe.

"Father!" Robin shouts as he runs toward Batman.

"Get back." Batman says as Robin backs away.

"What the hell?" Blue Beetle asks.

"What did he do to himself?" Alexis asks.

"It's a nerve toxin. For Bane." Robin says.

"Dude..." Blue Beetle says as a shadow leaves Batman before the other members turn red and develop glowing eyes..

"The Kryptonian has unearthed the infernal shrine Raven." Wonder Woman says.

"The who did the what?" Blue Beetle says.

"Uh in English please." Alexis says.

"An ancient shrine built by Satanists. It has magical properties." Raven says as the group looks at her.

"You are the shrine's final piece." Wonder Woman says.

"Not a chance." Alexis says as she shifts to wolf form growling.

"She stays here." Robin says sternly.

"You dare challenge us?" Wonder Woman asks before the group begins fighting.

"Beetle! Ah!" Alexis shouts as she sees Blue Beetle go flying before she gets hit and sent flying toward the ground by Flash.

"Rose!" Robin shouts as he runs to help Alexis only to get pinned with her by Flash as Flash puts his hands into their chess speeding his movement.

"I will break her Raven." Wonder Woman says as she has Starfire pinned.

"I stop my hands for an instant and these ones die too." Flash says as Alexis and Robin groan in pain.

"Wait! I'll go. As the daughter of your Lord Trigon I order you to release these feeble humans. Goodbye." Raven says as the Justice League releases the group and leaves just as Blue Beetle manages to make the shadow leave Cyborg as he collapses.

"Get him inside." Starfire says as the group goes over to Cyborg.

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