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"Aah! Dude! Did you have to bring the sword?" Jiame asks as Damian accidently hits him with his sword in the car.

"Preparedness is a prerequisite for victory." Damian says..

"The gear stays in the car Damian. Tonight we are to enjoy some mandatory fun. This is an opportunity for us to become more familiar with each other." Koriand'r says as the group gets out of the car.

"How much more familiar can we get? We've already seen Garfield lick himself." Jiame says.

"As a dog?" Damian asks.

"Unfortunately no." Alexis says.

"I wish." Racheal says as the group begins enjoying games and rides.


"Here. Have some." Alexis says as she brings Damian some cotton candy before he tries it.

"That tastes like pure sugar." Damian says.

"That's kind of what cotton candy is. But it's meant to be fun and enjoyable. Like the rides. Though it was nice seeing you enjoy yourself some." Alexis says as she smiles at Damian..

"If you knew me you wouldn't waste your time trying." Damian says coldly.

"You mean how you pressume to know? Look Damian I may not know you but that's part of you being part of this time. We aren't exactly alike but I can relate on how you have been acting. I acted very similar when I first came to the team.

"You did?

"Oh yeah. Wanted nothing to do with humans or anyone really but the team change my mind. They gave me a reason to hope. To live again. I don't know you well but I'd like to know you. But I'll tell you something about yourself that not even you know. You may be insufferable at times but in your heart you are a kind and generous soul." Alexis says as she smiles at Damian as he looks at her.

"Booyah! Oh looks like we found something the bug can't do. Please, please. No autographs. I'm a busy man." Garfield says as he beats Jiame at a dancing game as Alexis and Damian go over to the group.

"Free popcorn to anyone who can slay the beast." Jiame says.

"I can do it." Damian says.

"You know how to dance?" Racheal asks curiously.

"I'm a quick study." Damian says as he goes up to dance with Garfriekd before quickly catching onto the moves and beginning to beat him as the group watches.

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