The Beginning. Chapter 1:

Start from the beginning

"Ok, before class officially starts I have an announcement."

The class looks a mix between excited and confused. Elly was more on the confused side. She looked to Todoroki and he just had that same neutral look so she just looked away. But, what she didn't know was when she turned away Todoroki side-eyed her and had a blush creeping up on his cheeks.

He looked back to the front and thought "Why does my face feel warm..? Do I-? No I couldn't possibly. Right? But, she is really cute..." He shook his head a bit to clear it and did a small finger comb through the front of his dual colored hair.

"So, you guys remember the attack on USJ a few weeks ago?" (A/N: Look ik he's supposed to be in a full body cast but my AU plus when I wrote this I fergot k?) Aizawa starts but continues before anyone could speak up. "Well the school has decided to build dorms for all the students. So that means we have to be coming to all your house's to personally talk to your parents. Both me and All Might will be coming by. This will happen at the end of the week. And next week we'll be doing the sports festival."

Most of the students start chattering again while Elly hears the boy that asked her about her quirk mumbling something about his mom probably won't let him do the dorm thing.

After letting the students have a few minutes he activates his quirk and his eyes glow red, his hair and scarf start to float.

They all look over and stop talking.

"And one more thing." He says and again not waiting for anybody before he speaks back up. "and also next week you all will be picking your hero names and internships are coming up as you all know. Midnight will come to help you with your hero names."

The class starts a light and excited chatter.

After another few minutes Aizawa clears his throat as they quite down and he begins the lesson.


After class it was time for lunch. Elly got cold soba and was now looking for somewhere to sit when someone gently grabs her arm and pulls her in a direction.

"Waah~!!" She yelps. When they finally stop she looks to her 'kidnapper'. T-to-d-do-r-ro-k-ki-k-ku-n-n?!

He lets her go and puts his tray down on one side while pulling out a seat on the other side for her all while saying, "I saw you looking for a seat and I noticed you aren't so great with crowds and no body usually comes over here so, I thought it'd be good for you." in a monotonous voice she's heard many times before. Not from him but from her guardian.

"Uuu-uhh-hh... T-tha-nk y-you." She stammers and then bows before she sits in the seat he's still kindly holding out then, he pushes her chair in when she sits.

"No need for formalities. At least not with me." He says gently with a hint of the smallest smile.

Then they both look at each other. Heterochromic eyes meeting heterochromic eyes.

"Your eyes." He starts. "Are they real or contacts?"

"R-re-al-l." She stammers a bit surprised to see someone else with heterochromatic eyes. She was always told those types of eyes were rare.

"Your eyes are pretty." He says. "Which color did you receive from which parent? Not meaning to assume or anything."

"M-my left eye is b-blue 'cause o-of my d-dad. And t-the right g-gre-en f-fro-m-m m-my m-mo-m..." She states anxiously. " A-an-d y-yo-ou?"

"Much like you, my left eye is blue like my father's and my right eye is silver like my mother's. The same goes for the hair and quirk. Left, red hair and fire quirk from my father and white hair and ice on the right from my mother." He states simply.

"C-co-o-ol!" She says trying to be enthusiastic but still a nervous wreck.

"What about your hair and quirk?" He questioned nonchalantly.

"O-oh T-the bru-n-net-te f-fro-m my d-dad a-and b-blo-n-ned f-fro-m-m my m-mom. A-ac-ctu-ally I d-don't know w-whe-re m-y P-para-n-norm-ma c-came fr-om-m... b-but-t th-the N-ne-k-ko f-fr-om m-mom and Ōk-kami fro-m m-my d-da-ad."

"Hmm." He hums while looking like he's trying to decipher something. "Interesting." he said after a few moments.

Then the bell to head back to class sounded and Todoroki got up, took both their empty trays and set them in their rightful places. Then helped Elly up and grabbed her arm again.

She looked at him shocked and he replied, "So you don't get lost and so the crowd doesn't knock you down."

She looked at him for a moment then gave a small smile in which he returned and they headed off to class.


After school ended some of the girls wanted Elly's number so they exchanged and when Iida heard this he thought it'd be good for her to have everyone's number so she got them all. Even the explosive blond and especially Todoroki's. She's still yet to remember who's who out of the rest of her classmates but she's tried to give them something unique to remember them by. Like Tsusu Asui, (or as she just likes to be called, Tsu) Elly put a frog emoji by her name. And for Eijiro Kirishima, a red heart emoji with a shark by it. And the list goes on.

Then after that she went to the teacher's lounge to wait for Shota. While there, Present Mic (or Yamada Hizashi {last name 1st name order}) came in.

"HEEEEYYYYY~ ELLLLLLLYYYYYY~~~!!!!" He calls to her when he sees her.

"H-hi Hi-z-zash-shi s-sen-sai..." Her voice trails off. "A-are y-you c-com-i-ing o-ov-ver t-ton-nigh-ght?"

"Of course, little listener!! I have to hear how your first day of school went!!!" He states enthusiastically. "And plus I get to annoy Shota~!" He says with a smirk on his face. "Also;" His face drops ever so slightly. "I told you, you can just call me Yamada!" He says with a smile. "Or even uncle Yamada or uncle Zashi! All's fine with me!" He gives her a big smile.

"O-ok-k" Is all she says. Then Shota comes in.

"Yamada, why are you bothering the poor kid? She's already been through enough." He says in a deadpan manner.

Elly was just about to speak up to say it wasn't a bother but Hizashi beat her to it.

"Oh Shota, you worry too much! That's sweet of you~!" He smiles wide at his high school best friend. "Plus I wasn't bothering her, I was talking to her." He says in a playful yet matter of factly way.

Shota just sighs and says; "We better go now or we'll miss the train." In his usual tired and monotonous voice.

Elly stands up and they all head off to the train station.


They just got in the door when Snowball and Shadow came running to them.

Elly leans over and pets them and turns her head to the left where the kitchen and counter are and sees their food bowels are empty. So she walks over and fills them up.


Half Fire & Ice meets Hydra-Norma Neko-Ōkami. (Todoroki x OC)Where stories live. Discover now