"What...? No! No... Your my best friend! Why would I hate you?!" Mic answered immediately.

"B—best friend...?" Taco asked, her eyes practically lit up. "I th—thought that..."

"Of course you are! I though you would have realized that by now." Mic giggled.

"I..." Taco was in complete shock. "B—But what about the c—competition...? A-All the th—things that I d—did—?" Taco asked.

Mic sighed. "Oh please, That was YEARS ago! And... Are argument...? I was just mad... You kinda lied to me, y'know...? But I don't hate you for it..." Mic answered, she gave a reassuring smile.

"I s—suppose..." Taco looked unhappy, in fact, Mic could've sworn she even looked... Scared.

"You okay...?" Mic asked quietly.

"Y—yeah... I just... y—you saved me... A—and I—..." Taco then stared off into space. She looked completely shocked...? Maybe even Petrified? It was difficult to tell.

"Uh... Taco...?" Mic looked at for a second, and noticed her hands had started shaking. "Taco? Are you okay...?"

"I almost d—died..." Taco blurted, it seemed that she had started to spiral into panic. Usually, Taco would brush this kind if situation off but... she practically DID die... scared that it could've been... Forever. "I—I A—almost DIED...!" She repeated.

"I—I know... You've said that a couple times now..." Mic mumbled. She looked slightly concerned.

Taco just kept repeating this. She got louder and louder as she continued. Her breathing picked up as the shaking got more violent as well. She was having a panic attack.

"T—Taco?! TACO?!" Mic panicked and got up from the bed, and looked at her from a better angle. "Oh nonononono—! What do I do?!" Mic said in a panic.

"WHAT—?! HER VITALS—! WHY IS HER HEART RATE RISING SO QUICKLY?! M-4!!! DO SOMETHING!" Test Tube shouted from the other room.

"I—UHM... OH GOD! I DON'T KNOW KNOW! T— DOCTOR! HELP!!!" Mic screamed loudly.

"IM BUSY!" Test Tube yelled. "YOU HAVE TO DO IT YOURSELF." She screamed.

"UH..." Mic didn't know what to do! She was at a complete loss... She had never needed to calm Taco down like this... Actually... No, she has! Mic slowly sat next to her and picked her up. And then hugged her, in an attempt to calm her down.

Taco immediately flinched at the contact. And snapped back to reality. She realized she had been panicking. "I—I..." Taco mumbled. Not knowing what to say.

"Yes! I—It worked!" Mic smiled and tried to put Taco down. But had been interrupted by Taco who had been hugging her back.

"E—everyone would have j—just... Let me die...!" Taco whispered. "But y—you didn't... I just c—can't understand..."

"It's the least I could do... We're friends after all...!" Mic's Smile grew.

"I—I..." Taco paused. "I—I'm sorry...! I'm so SO sorry...!" Taco cried.

"Sorry...? Heh... For what? You have nothing to be sorry f—!"

"EVERYTHING!!!" Taco yelled loudly.

Science Breakthroughजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें