Death of a God

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*Loki's POV*

When you don't want to be somewhere, but was brought by a Goddess who was more powerful than you by far, you incline and want to stay.  Even Loki knows not to get on the bad side of Umera, after all, he has been on a bad side of a powerful being before.

It's not as fun as many would think.

Beside him, Loki watched the God beside him shift around out of the corner of his eye. The God of Mischief could feel the ones he's sitting near edge away from him a little, uncomfortable. 

I suppose I do have that affect on some people, he mused, it's a little flattering if I do say so myself.

"Now, this next bit is a video." Umera spoke, the screen in front of them turning white. "I apologize for what's going to happen, but some of you do need to see this."

As she spoke, Loki could feel eyes staring upon him, making him shift uncomfortably. What in the nine realms is she talking about?

Then, the video played.

The video starts by voices calling out. "This is the Asgardian refugee vessel Statesman. We are under assault, I repeat, we are under assault - The engines are dead, life support failing. Requesting aid from any vessel within range. We are 22 jump points out of Asgard."

Loki stared at the screen with confusion as gasps and cries were made. He knew that Asgard would've been destroyed by Hela at the end, but wouldn't they have made it to Midgard by then?

Out of the corner of his eye, he watched Thor, who stared at the screen in shock.

Then the screen fades into the Sanctuary II fired blue bolts at The Statesman. The voice became more desperate.

"Our crew is made up of Asgardian families, we have very few soldiers here. This is not a warcraft. I repeat, this is not a warcraft!"

Loki's gut dropped. He recognized the larger ship; this is not good.

The screen changes to the inside of the ship, fire and bodies scattered all around.

Gasps were made throughout the theater. The four younglings up front by the Man of Iron stared up at the screen in shock, the spiderling looking like he was going throw up. 

These are children, Loki thought, They shouldn't be seeing this.

The figure walked around and said, "Hear me and rejoice. You have had the privilege of being saved by the Great Titan. You may think this is suffering. No. It is salvation."

"That is not salvation!" Steve shouted. "That's called a massacre!" 

Loki paled slightly at the voice. He knew that voice.

A figure with no nose comes on the screen as another figure stabs someone on the ground.

"Universal scales tip toward balance because of your sacrifice. Smile. For even in death, you have become Children of Thanos," he continued.

Ebony Maw, Loki's thoughts practically snarled. He glared at the screen before paling once he saw himself on the screen.

Loki was standing, tense as Proxima Midnight had her spear on him while Corvus Glaive and Cull Obsidian stood there.

Oh, you got to be kidding me.

"They don't really look happy with you right there, Reindeer Games." Tony commented, his voice a little shaky from seeing the massacre that happened.

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