Actors - OG6

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Seating Chart -

Rhodey - Pepper - Tony - Peter - Shuri - T'challa - Vision

Natasha - Clint - Steve - Bucky - Sam - Scott - Wanda

Rocket - Groot - Quill - Gamora - Drax - Mantis

Bruce - Thor - Loki -  Valkyrie - Strange - Wong

*Peter's POV*

"Disclaimer," the voice said, "In a different universe, you're all fictional characters, so to begin with all of this, we'll be reacting to your actors."

Fictional characters?! Peter thought watching the screen turn white, before a picture appeared.

Fictional characters?!  Peter thought watching the screen turn white, before a picture appeared

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"Robert Downey Jr is Tony Stark's, also known as Iron Man, actor. He's currently 57 years old."

"Damn Tony," Hawkeye said from behind. "Looking good."

Mr. Stark scoffed. "Of course I look good."

"You really look good, Mr. Stark." Peter said quietly to his mentor. The man looked down at him, giving a small smile to the teen.

"Thanks kid."

"Next up, we have Steve Roger's, also known as Captain America, actor, Chris Evans

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"Next up, we have Steve Roger's, also known as Captain America, actor, Chris Evans. He is currently 41 years old."

The Falcon whistled. "Looking good there Cap."

Peter looked over his shoulder, watching the group behind them in the corner of his eye.

"Wait, Captain America?!" One of the human-like alien dude in the back exclaimed. "I thought he was lost somewhere in the Arctic!"

"Yeah, no." Captain America said, giving a small wave. "I'm right here."

The human-alien guy gave a small screech of excitement.

"Alright, time for the next actor."

"We have Thor, Son of Odin's actor, Chris Hemsworth

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"We have Thor, Son of Odin's actor, Chris Hemsworth. He is currently 39 years old."

"Looking good there with the short hair, Point Break!" Mr. Stark called out, letting out a whistle.

"You mean the hair he has currently, Tony?" The Black Widow stated, raising a brow at Mr. Stark.

"Yeah, yeah." Mr. Stark replied, waving her off. Peter held a breath as he watched his mentor just wave off The Black Widow, ready for her to do something, but all she did was roll her eyes, so Peter let out the breath he was holding silently.

"He's the reason I'm bisexual." Peter murmurs quietly underneath his breath, but apparently it wasn't quiet enough, because the girl sitting beside him let out a laugh while Mr. Stark gave him an incredulous look. Peter avoided both of their looks, as well as the rest of the curious looks from the others, face turning pink.

 Peter avoided both of their looks, as well as the rest of the curious looks from the others, face turning pink

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(Apologizes for the picture being so small. That's how it came up.)

"Next up we have Natasha Romanoff, also known as the Black Widow's actor, Scarlett Johansson. She is currently 37 years old."

"Dammmmmn Nat," Hawkeye drawled out, "Look at that. Hey, you even have blond hair! Rocking that look."

"Clint," Black Widow stated. 

"Yes ma'am." Hawkeye immediately replied. 

Snickers echoed throughout the entire room.

"Second to last, we have Clint Barton, also known as Hawkeye's actor, Jeremy Renner

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"Second to last, we have Clint Barton, also known as Hawkeye's actor, Jeremy Renner. He is currently 51 years old."

A few catcalls echoed throughout the theater.

"Yeah, yeah!" Hawkeye shouted. "Fuck you too Sam!"

"Why you targeting me, man?!"

"Cause you're the closest!"

"Bucky is closer!"

"And for the last of the Original six is Bruce Banner, also known as the Hulk's actor, Mark Ruffalo

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"And for the last of the Original six is Bruce Banner, also known as the Hulk's actor, Mark Ruffalo. He is currently 54 years old."

"Looking good there Bruice-Bear!" Mr. Stark shouted towards the back of the room, to where the Doctor Bruce Banner was. Peter was currently fanboying.

"Thanks Tony." Bruce replied nervously, not really liking all of the attention that was put on him.

"The next actors you'll be reacting to will be Team Iron Man's actors."

Hoped you enjoyed this chapter!

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