Chapter 9

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The Slytherin group spent their Saturday afternoon at the Malfoy Manor.

Narcissa called them over because she found some exciting news on Draco's Ravenclaw girl. That she wanted to share in person.

"Hello Mrs. Malfoy." They said unison as the mother pulled her son into a sweet hug.

"What was it you wanted to show us, mother?" Draco rubbed his hands together for warmth as the Malfoy Manor was freezing cold.

Normally he didn't mind it but I had been ages since he last since his childhood home.

"Ah yes." They walked to the lounge area where a display of tea and sweets laid. Comfort black couches and a handsome black color painted on the walls. Decorations of dark green and gold plastered around.

It wasn't the most comforting home but it was surely gorgeous.

"I did some digging in your fathers office." She said quiet and laughed to herself. Draco smiled his eyes focused on only his mother. The only women he loved.

She pulled out a dark brown book. It had gold lettering on it with a gold flora type of border. Draco had seen it the few times he had entered his fathers office but didn't think much of it.

Inside was pictures of the group when they were younger.

Pansy laughed at the photo of her younger her scowling little Blaise who had tears streaming down his face.

As Pansy was the oldest she was constantly bossy the others around much to their dismay.

"I remember that." She laughed as Blaise looked away embarrassed. "Blaise had pushed Theo off the swing in the back near the garden."

"Why yes but take a look at this photo here." Narcissa spoke lifting a picture of the group for her to see.

They was any other child amongst them. A little girl with a cheeky smile and little pigtails.

"Aww she's so cute." Pansy reached forward to grab the picture. "Who is she?"

"Equuleus Macaulay." His mothers words made Draco freeze in place. Shocked at what he just heard he snatched the picture away from Pansy.

He smiled as he looked at the girl who did very much look like his Ravenclaw friend. Same smile same doey eyes.

"Do you have anymore?" He looked up hopefully to which his mother nodded pulling out another picture with the girl.

He laughed once he saw it. A photo of Equuleus cuddling her father with tears streaming down her face.

"What happened here?" He smiled handing the photo to the others.

Narcissa also laughed recalling back. "She didn't want to come to the Manor." They looked confused as the explained further.

"Growing up she never really liked us. She would always throw fits when she had to come over or play with you lot."

"Why?" Theo asked handing it back to Narcissa. Who shrugged in response.

"How'd you get all these photos?" Daphne spoke. "I had Dobby secretly take photos for years when you were little."

"I'll let you go through the rest of these." She then walked out of the longe room.

For the next few hours the Slytherin group had many laughs and cries a the old memories. Draco stashed a few photographs in his pocket to show Equuleus later that night.

They bid their goodbyes to Mrs. Malfoy before Draco made his way up to the Astronomy tower at Hogwarts.

No surprise there his Ravenclaw friend was Laying on her back with her feet dangling off the tower. Looking up at the night sky.

"Hey, little horse." Draco smiled laying down beside her. She instantly smiled turning to sit up. "How was your day?" She looked up at him.

It was Draco turn to smile. "I've actually got something to show you." He pulled out the photographs from his pocket and handed them to her.

"I told my mother about you." The words making Equuleus' cheeks heat up.

"She found some photos of us." He sighed as she scattered through them. "Apparently I've known you all my life." He had a beaming smile.

Her pupils dilated as she laughed. "I remember this kinda."

She held up a picture of her and Blaise sitting on the step outside the Manor sharing an ice cream cone. They were around four or five and had ice cream all over their faces.

"He wanted strawberry and I wanted chocolate." She giggled placing the picture to the side. "So we compromised and got vanilla instead."

Next there was one of me and her. My personal favorite laying on the couch in the lounge room reading at book together.

Our feet to small to even reach the end of the seat. Coincidentally a children's book about the starry night sky.

"I guess it was met to be." She laughed to which I nodded in agreement at her words. Maybe it was.

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