Chapter 6

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"Thank you again," she said in pure gratitude.

"For the last time, Equuelus you don't have to thank me," his eyes softened. "I'll tuck you in every night if you'd like me too."

"Really?" She smiled as he nodded.

They watched the stars for a few moments agonized by the beauty of Astronomy. With the shining stars and the pale moonlight what's not to love?

"Draco," she turned her head to look at him realizing he was already looking at her. "Right now is the perfect time to teach you."

She blushed under his gaze his face turning confused. "How to produce your patronus."

"Oh," his mouth made an 'o' shape. "Okay, yeah let's do it." Equuleus grinned mischievously as they stood.

After a few tries she didn't really know how to help him. "A happier memory, Draco." She panted.

He already thought of the earliest birthday he could remember, getting sorted into slytherin, and even when he told his mother about Equuleus in his monthly letter to her.

Nothing seemed to work.

A light bulb then went off in his head. He yelled the words with pride and out shot a crystal blue dragon. Just like Equuleus.

The Ravenclaw girl squealed with happiness following by sets of adorable giggles. "You did it, dragon boy." She wrapped her arms around him.

His hands tightening around her waist. He did it. All thanks to her. His memory was from the night before. When he helped her was when he felt the happiest.

His heart melted at the thought.

A gasp came from the Macaulay girl as she pulled away. "Oh my god!" She grinned.

"Draco, we have the same patronus!" She said being the happiest she's ever been.

They casted their patronuses a few more times together. Watching them fly around circling around them as they laughed.

Pure bliss was all they felt that night.

"What do you want to be when you grow up, Draco?" She asked as they sat on the wooden floor of the tower.

"Something high in the ministry," he lied and they both knew that.

"No, Draco." She tried again. "What do you want to be not what do your parents want you to be."

He was silent for a moment to use to someone other than his mother talking to him. Another human being cared enough about Draco Malfoy to see right through.

Not accepting the words he should say but the words he wanted to say. "A healer." He muttered embarrassingly.

He was ashamed of the thought but he realized he loved to help people. He wanted to be the hero that everyone loved.

"I think you'd be an excellent healer, Draco."

He stayed silent not wanting to lose his temper by shouting at her. How he could never be a healer. He wanted her to stop putting mindless ideas in his head.

"I want to become a professor," she sighed. "That's the way I like to help people."

"I use to help the younger Ravenclaw with their work," he looked over at he as she continued. "The look on their faces when they finally understood the work made my day." He watched her lips turn up into a small smile.

"Why'd you stop?" He asked noticing her use of past tense. "They eventually stopped needing help," she murmured finally looking at his face.

Draco insisted on taking Equuleus back to her dorm as her muggle watch now read 4:29 a.m.

After they bided their goodnights Draco left feeling connected with the Ravenclaw.

They had the same patronus that had to mean something.

He went back to his dorm with the decision of switching from Divination to Arithmancy. A subject he had no prior knowledge on but knew for a fact Equuleus did.

the nights we sharedOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant