Chapter 2

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Equulues had seen Draco once the next day. Potions class. She assumed he didn't see her because he hadn't baited an eye in her direction.

Basically ignoring her completely existent. She didn't take it to heart though. The Ravenclaw girl didn't expect him to just go up to her and start chatting like old mates.

She was in the back corner practically hiding from everyone. Draco sat two seat infront of her but on the right side rather than left.

After classes she finished her homework leaning against one of the shelves in the library.

She read and read for hours. Stacks of finished books piled around her.

"Hello, little Ravenclaw!"

"Hello, little Ravenclaw!"

Two voices echoed in each of her ears. The Weasley twins. Her two favorite people.

"Hey, George." She smiled. "Hey, Fred."
Closing her book she set it on the stack she mentally labeled to be continued.

A small pile of books around 5 or so she found boring and didn't finished.

"How you've been?" The louder twin asked. She hadn't talked to the much this term so it was refreshing to see them.

"The same as always, you?" She looked to her side. "Just fine, little Ravenclaw." He patted her head.

The Weasley twins viewed Equuleus as a small, innocent girl who could do no harm. A quiet yet bubbly little girl who was smart than anyone they had ever met. Even Granger.

In their eyes she was someone they could go to for anything and not be embarrassed about it. They were the first people Equuleus met when she first arrived at Hogwarts.

A random second year made fun of her name tears built up in her large doe eyes causing her to bump into the two whilst they were fighting.

They immediately stopped and pulled her into their compartment. Reassuring her that her name was beautiful and they loved it so much.

Ever since then they pulled pranks together and hung out when they could. Even though it was the twin's last year the expected to still see the Ravenclaw girl after graduation.

After the library Equuleus went back to her private dorm to freshen up for a bit before heading to the Astronomy tower.

She checked her muggle watch 11:26 p.m before walking up the stairs. There he sat, legs dangling of the tower like the night before.

"Equuleus," he smiled. His once dull eyes now glowed in the pale moonlight.

"Draco." She sat beside him.

"Have you ever ridden a broom before." He asked turning his head to look at her. Her skin shining in the starry light.

"Yeah back in first year," she chuckled. "I don't really know how," she whispered in his ear.

"Oh," he turned his head away. "Never mind then." She suddenly felt guilty for no apparent reason.


"It's just- I had been thinking about how I haven't used my broom in ages," he paused. "Right now seemed like the perfect time."

A light bulb went off in his cold mind as he got a brilliant idea. "I can teach you!" She didn't want to disappoint him because he looked so happy.

"I don't have a broom," she began. Hoping he'd drop the subject. As she had a minor fear of heights.

"Nonsense." He arose grabbing ahold of her hand to lift her up as well. "I'll lend you one of mine." He dragged her down the steps.

She went along with it not wanting to kill his joyful mood. "Here," he rushed out of the lock room and handed her his broom from last year. Which was still in great condition.

After many failed attempts to fly Equuleus wanted to give up but Draco wouldn't let her.

"Go again." He encouraged.

Taking a deep breath she closed her eyes. The feeling of her feet lifting off the ground frightened her.

"Good, good," Draco mounted his broom. "You're doing amazing, Equuleus." He was happy he was able to teach her something.

She was scared anyone could tell. Her unsteady movements guiding her in many different directions. "Hey, calm down."

His hand rested on top of her both about 3 feet in the air. "You don't need to be scared, I'm here."

His words helped she won't lie. She trusted him regardless of their short amount of time together.

Equuleus' hair flew behind her the cold air pushing it away from her face. She was doing it. She could finally ride a broom. She was so proud of herself.

"Do you trust me, little horse?" Draco shouted a few yards away from her. They were at least 30 feet off the ground.

"Let go of your broom!" He shouted again as she nodded her head.

And she did. It was a beautiful euphoric feeling that she never wanted to go away.

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