Chapter 8

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"She's a Ravenclaw?" Pansy eyes shuttered in shock. Not believing Draco was friends with someone outside of Slytherin.

"Well we have to met her," Theo joined into the conversation. "Is she cute?" He rested his chin in his hands on the table.


All his attention focused on Blaise who was gossiping to them about what he saw the night before.

"She is short. Not as short as a 2nd year but not as tall as a 5th year should be." Pansy laughed and had a gleaming smile on her face as she heard the little friendship story. "A 2nd year?!"

"She has eye bags but not so, so much it's like EuGh." Blaise made a silly face. "They totally suit her roundish face."

Mimicking a circle with his hands he then gasped in awe remembering something. "And guess how I found them!" He drummed his hands against the table eagerly.

"How?" "GUESS!"

"Sleeping," he leaned in closer. Subconsciously Theo and Pansy copied his actions. "While cuddling at the Astronomy Tower."

"Where are you going?!" Blaise screamed across the great hall as Theo ran out in a hurry.

"TO FIND DRACO." Students from the other houses stared as the other two swiftly ran out behind him.

"Tell me." "No." "Tell me." "No."

"Draco c'monnn," Theo shook his shoulders in attempt to annoy him for answers. "Blaise says she's pretty." He smirked as Draco's cheeks tinted pink. "Is she?"

"She's okay.." Draco didn't take his eyes off his book to avoid the embarrassment of his red face. "Really Draco just okay?"

"Blaise seems to like her." He laughed as Blaise and Pansy ran in huffing heavily and holding their hands to their knees. "How-did-you-get-here-so-fast." Pansy said between breaths.

After a few more long pestering minutes Draco finally gave in. He's palms were sweaty making his grip on his book sticky.

A book about two lover's destiny for two completely different lives. They would met in secret near the forest behind a small village. Equuleus recommended the story before accidentally spoiling the ending.

"You get one question." He pointed. "Each?" He nodded before Blaise sprung up. "I'll go get Daphne."

"Why?" Pansy said annoyed as she was never completely fond of the Greengrass sisters due to her older sister Astoria who was degrading as a child.

"To get four questions." Blaise said in a 'duh' tone before exiting up the stairs.

Hand in hand they came down Blaise quickly filling Daphne in on the situation.

"What's she like?" Theo was the first to ask practically in love with her already.

"She's like a rain of energy." He smiled thinking back to their previous memories. "She hardly sleeps, never stops talking." He paused. "She's creative and has lots of ideas."

"If she's so happy." Pansy said sarcastically significantly sitting up. "What's her personality like?"

Draco chuckled lightly. "Very bubbly and precious. Classy," he moved his head down. "if she tried."

"Favorite thing about her?" Daphne narrowed her eyes examining every inch of her childhood friend. How could he be so stupid to befriend an outsider to the Slytherins.

"She has these silly shirts," he laughed as Blaise and Theo raising an eyebrow eyeing one another.

"They say offense stuff." He explained.

"Like what?" Blaise pondered. "Does that count as a question." Draco pointed to Blaise.

Many questions way of four later the group was convinced to met her. Learn who is she was really.

Much to Draco dismay they discreetly wrote a letter to Narcissa, the woman with all the answers, asking her about the girl named after a constellation. Equuleus Macaulay.

"Why are you lot so obsessed with her?" He laughed cheekily crossing his arm to his chest as Pansy sent the owl away to the Malfoy Manor.

"Because you are, Draco."

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