A Party and A Confession // 19

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Storm's point of view

As I walked into the guild I was surprised to see how decorated it was. Everyone was laughing and drinking it was as lively as always. I looked around the guild for Luna but I didn't find her.

"What's with the long face Romeo. Can't find Juliet." Reiki said.

"Shut up." I said jokingly as I pushed him.

"C'mon Gale is about to sing, and he wants his best friend to play bass." I then ran over to him and grabbed the bass. Reiki decided to play the keyboard while Nash was on the drums.

"What song are we going to perform?" I asked Gale.

"Bang Bang." I nodded my head in understanding. Gale sings the first half; then I sang the second half. The rap was said by Reiki, and Nash wasn't that strong of a signer so we decided he would be better not singing. The crowd applauded and asked for an encore.

"What do you say Gale want to break out demons?"

"Why not!" Gale said. Halfway through the song, Luna came into the guild and I couldn't help but smile like an idiot. As I was singing I couldn't help but stare at her; she looked so beautiful I just couldn't take my eyes off her. Everyone applauded our performance and gale decided to play another song, but he wanted me to sing the entire song by myself. The thing about it is that I don't like how I sing. The only people that heard me sing by myself were Rin and Gale.


"Trust me you'll be fine." Gale said. What he said really wasn't reassuring but it's too late to turn back now. Right when I was done playing everyone cheered and my fears where quickly dashed. He proudly hugged me and whispered in my ear.

"Go get her lover boy." I just laughed at him. I then invited Rin onstage to take my place, and went over o talk to Luna I was only halfway there when I heard them start playing "Kiss the girl." I knew Rin was singing since it was the only song he really liked to sing, and because of how different he sounded compare to Gale's voice. Needing some fresh air and space I ran outside. The air was cold and the sky was clear revealing the stars. Not in the mood to stay and party I slowly started to walk home. What am I suppose to do I love Luna, but she doesn't seem to be very interested in me that way. Maybe I should just give up and move on, but how can I even do that knowing how strongly I feel about her.

"Damn, what the hell am I suppose to do?"

Luna's point of view

As we walked into the guild we were greeted by the singing of gale and storm. Ever since I can remember those two have been singing together and they weren't bad. I never heard storm by himself though, but I think that was more of a confidence thing.

"How's everyone doing tonight?" Gale asked We all cheered in response.

"We got a special treat for you tonight. We are going to have little storm here sing a nice song for you. Now he isn't the most confident so let's give him some encouragement. Give it up for Storm Fullbuster."

"Go storm!" I cheered, and with that, the song started. I listened as Storm sang and he was just amazing his voice was so beautiful. I couldn't take my eyes off him; recently though it seems he changed he looks more manly than usual. When they finished playing I cheered for him and was so happy to hear him sing again. He then got off the stage and nova nudged me.

"Go on just get married already." Nova teased.

"What about you and gale?" I asked teasing her back. Her face got red as she looked away.

"Shut up flame brain." she said as she went to the bar to get something to drink. I then looked to see storm going outside I was about to run after him, but if he wanted to talk to me he would come to talk to me.

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