Goodbye // 13

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Storm's point of view

The immediate feeling of defeat hit me as soon as I entered the bar.

"Well kid no long time no see. What can I get for you."

"A beer please." I said as I put the money for the beer on the table. He gave me my beer and I drank it very fiercely in rage.

"So what happened with that girl you came here looking for?" Bartender asked

"We had a falling out." I said not really wanting to talk about it.

"Hmm...You don't seem like the type."

"Like what type?"

"Like the type to give up so easily."

"Well you were wrong then, Thanks for the beer." I said as I got up and was about to leave. When the bartender spoke up again

"Kid Let me just say you'll regret it, I did." I then left the bar thinking of everything I felt and said to her and what she said to me. I then headed towards the train station hoping to leave as soon as possible.

"Hello sir, Do you know when the next train leaving for magnolia?"

"Oh not until 9:OO tonight."

"Thank you." I said I then walked over to the bench waiting for the hours to tick by.  I then remembered all the fun times me and Luna had together. I remembered the first day I met Luna; she annoyed me and I hated when she would hang around us. But then that one night when I vowed to never see her cry again I wanted to hang around her more and more. Her smile would always brighten my day. I laughed to myself as I recalled all the faces she made maybe I am-

"All aboard for magnolia." Well, time flew by I got up and made my way onto the train. I made my way to an empty seat and sat down in defeat. Then as if realizing my mood the rain began to fall. I watched the rain roll down the window as a tear ran down my face. Goodbye Tellion...Goodbye.... Luna.

Luna's point of view

I slowly opened my eyes to find I was back in the room. I slowly rose out of bed not knowing when or how I got here.

"Storm." I said wanting to know what happened earlier. I heard no response thinking he was probably getting some food. I made my way downstairs to the kitchen to see if he was there but he wasn't. I started to get worried when I ran into William.

"William did you see my friend? I can't find him."

"You don't remember." He said confused by my question.

"Remember what?" I asked perplexed by the entire situation. 

"You told your friend to leave just a few hours ago." He stated bluntly. 

"I never did that."

"Yes you did and you told me you didn't even like the guy." William said arrogantly. 

"What are you talking about?"

"Earlier you told me and him that you hated him." I was shocked by what he said to me; storm and I were best friends I would never say something like that.

"Did he say where he was going?"

"Probably went to the train station-" I didn't wait to hear what else he had to say. I sprinted outside in nothing but my t-shirt and a pair of shorts I didn't even have shoes on. I was halfway there when it started raining, my body was cold and my feet dirty plus covered in cuts but nothing was going to stop me; I needed to see Storm. I finally arrived at the station just as the train was driving off I then went to chase after the train but was stopped by two conductors.

"Let me go please my friend is on that train."

"Miss we cannot allow you on the train I'm sorry there is nothing we can do." I then began to fall onto my knees and hands letting my tears fall to the ground with the rain.

"Storm....I'm sorry...I didn't mean anything I said. I don't know why I said it, but you are my best friend, and God please don't leave me here alone!"

Just then the rain stopped but my tears didn't they kept flowing. Then I heard someone come up behind me.

"Apology accepted." I froze and quickly turned around and began crying tears of joy at who stood before me.


The S-Class Request (luna dragneel x storm fullbuster) fanficحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن