please don't leave me // 9

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Storm's point of view

As luna went off to the bathroom to take a bath all I could think about was my hands. When I hugged her I didn't want to let her go could it be that I love Luna. No I said quickly denying it and trying to put my attention towards something else. Than I remembered the legend of the curse "women of light" I wonder what they mean by that was she made of light or was her power light. I laid down on the bed exhausted and confused not to mention partially half-naked due to my compulsive stripping habit. I stared at the ceiling for what felt like eternity when suddenly all I could think of was Luna with her beautiful eyes, her pink hair, and her smile is-- just wait what am I thinking Luna is like my sister so why do I all of the sudden want to hold her and never let go. That's when my hands felt hot and the blush on my cheeks became a darker shade of red. 

"I can't believe I said, and did that." I said as I slapped myself in the forehead out of idiocy.

"Storm-Help!" I heard Luna scream and I jumped right out of the bed and ran to the door, but it wouldn't budge. 

"Luna, Hey do you hear me? Luna!" I screamed no answer this feeling I felt it was more then just fear whatever it was it was telling me to break down this door or I will never see Luna's sweet smile ever again. I couldn't sit around anymore I kicked the door down and ran towards Luna. She was fully sub merged in the water I quickly grabbed her arms and tried to pull her up. But I couldn't she was too heavy like she was made of stone. Then I remembered the curse tears swelled up in my eyes as I tried to pull her up over and over again. 

"Luna if you die on me I will never forgive you!" I screamed and this time I pulled so hard I'm pretty sure my arms were going to ripped off. I was able to get her out of the water, but she wasn't breathing. 

"Luna, please wake up." I cried as I held her on my lap while rocking her back and forth. She was so cold compared to her normal warm temperature. I looked at her pale cold face and the tears started up again.

"C'mon you gotta wake up everyone back home is waiting. Please if you can hear me.... come back your family needs you..... I need you. You are the most amazing girl I have ever met; your strong, smart, funny, and gorgeous. You are the best thing to ever happen to me and if you die I will never forgive you so please don't leave me alone Luna. Luna I love-" 

"hey pee cicle what you crying for?" I stopped crying, and look down to see that luna's eyes were a quarter the way open.

"You idiot!" I screamed as I hugged her.


"Yeah flame brain?"

"Your my hero." At that moment I started to blush and released her when I realized she was naked and she realized this as well. 

"Storm you pervert!" she screamed at me as she slapped me. she then ran to get a towel I will be honest I wanted to see more but what can you do. I got up and went to leave when she grabbed my wrist. 

"Storm I meant what I said earlier. You really are my hero." Luna said looking down at the ground. I picked her up bridal style and said. 

"Yeah, yeah whatever flame brain lets go get changed before we catch a cold." I looked down at her and saw the blush on her face. We got changed and we sat in awkward silence for what seemed like forever when Luna said 

"So I was going to head downstairs and get something to eat. You want anything?" 

"No." I answered "do you want me to go with you?" I asked shortly after scared for her well being. 

"No I should be fine, and should probably just relax you look exhausted."  I was exhausted and with that, she left and I laid back on the bed and left my eyes close but I still couldn't shake this feeling that something wasn't right. I woke up hours later and found a person lying beside me.  It was luna I was inches away from her face; I just couldn't look away. Then suddenly after what seemed like hours, I heard a loud grumbling sound coming from my stomach. I then realized I hadn't eaten in hours; I got out of the bed trying not to wake Luna up and made my way downstairs to hopefully find a kitchen. I finally managed to find the kitchen and I made myself a nice sandwich I ate it right away. I started to make my way back to the room when I heard a women scream.

"Luna..." I said I ran back to the room praying she wasn't hurt.

The S-Class Request (luna dragneel x storm fullbuster) fanficOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz