28 // Feels Like Home

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April gives way to a pleasant May with its summer-tinged breezes and glorious blue skies.

With only a few weeks left to the school year, the seniors of Marbleton High try not to go stir-crazy as they ready themselves for their many required rites before they can bask in total freedom.

Lyla and Josie occupy one of the cute outdoor tables at Faire Brew on a balmy Saturday afternoon, armed with textbooks and study guides in preparation for their coming exams. Lyla, being small and limber, sits with her knees drawn to her chest as she checks her integrals on a practice calculus test. The sun glances off her shiny brown hair, which is gathered high in a messy ponytail.

Josie closes her eyes as a warm zephyr brushes her face.

She finds herself wishing for time to slow down, especially in moments like this when she sits here with Lyla in unspoiled contentment re-reading Macbeth. She hasn't let herself begin to think about what it will be like when she and Lyla are far apart in the fall, living separate lives. She knows that day will soon come, but for now, she will soak up this perfect afternoon with her best friend.

A sudden, masculine presence interrupts her repose.

Against the brilliant blue sky, Darren's eyes sparkle like twin sapphires. There's a familiar, silver twinkle in his eye as he places two pretty drinks in front of her and Lyla. The drinks are clear and carbonated, with a splash of color at the very bottom of the glasses.

"Italian sodas, on the house. One raspberry, one peach."

"You're spoiling us today, Teale," Lyla remarks with a smile, reaching immediately for the raspberry-flavored drink.

"You single-handedly bought out all our triple berry muffins last week, LD," Darren ripostes, crossing his arms in amusement. "You do know we have an entire menu you haven't tried, right? It's just customer appreciation at this point!"

Lyla smirks, stirring the straw in her glass. 

"Careful there, Teale. It might sound like you're playing favorites."

"Maybe I am," he responds impishly.

Darren flourishes a mock salute and turns swiftly back into the café. Josie watches Lyla with mild curiosity, taking note of the way her friend's cheekbones seem pinker than they were before.

"Just how many times did you come here last week?" Josie asks with suspicion once Darren is out of earshot.

"Oh, not that many," Lyla hedges. "Once or twice. Maybe more."

Josie chuckles archly. "What happened to, 'no more boys, and no more drama'?"

"We're just flirting, okay?" Lyla slurps loudly to mask her embarrassment. "Besides, it wouldn't be a bad thing to date a guy like Darren..."

Josie leans back in her seat and regards her blushing best friend.

"No," she concedes. "It wouldn't be a bad thing at all."

Josie grins as she reaches for the peach soda and takes a preliminary sip, relishing its delicate sweetness. Even as their senior year of high school draws to a close, life is still somehow full of lovely surprises.


The school's highly anticipated prom arrives just after students complete their AP exams. Hours before prom night begins, the Chens' domain is transformed into a glamorous command center as Josie, Lyla, and Cat get ready.

Lyla's prom dress, a dark green, sparkling, strapless mermaid gown hangs from the frame of Josie's closet. Cat's dress, a powdery lilac one-shoulder princess gown hangs beside it, the skirt taking up most of the space along the wall. Josie's thrifted dress hangs from the top of the door frame, the fabric shimmering in the late afternoon sunlight.

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