8 // Developments

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Marco's nostrils flare at the distinct smell of chemicals as he tightens the lid of the developing tank in his hands. With a firm grip, he tilts the film tank left and right while keeping a bleary eye on the wall clock.

After a minute, he carefully discards the fluid from the tank into one of the large sinks running alongside the wall. Once the tank is empty, he fills it with lukewarm water and replaces the lid, repeating the same agitating motions – left, and then right. Left, and then right.

It's too early in the morning to think cohesive thoughts. 

Thankfully, he knows this progression by heart. The motions are a comforting, practiced feel for him by now. He's unsure the exact moment it became instinctive. Perhaps it was the first time he successfully changed a roll of film using one of Mr. Novak's lightproof changing bags, or maybe it was when he discovered the perfect exposure for the right portrait. 

Nevertheless, photography became his passion, and the darkroom a second home. In the past three years alone, he's developed what feels like over one hundred rolls of film in the school darkroom. And today, he has an impatient client.

Marco absent-mindedly turns the tank this way and that until he's satisfied that the film has stopped developing. He empties the tank once more and fills it with a fixing solution. 

His thoughts drift as he slowly mixes the tank beneath the red glow of the low-lit room. He's not here by choice; Josie made it perfectly clear she will no longer suffer Lyla's ceaseless pestering about this specific roll of film. He didn't have the courage to tell her he's been purposefully neglectful of the task. 

But then again, he's never had much courage where Josie is concerned.

He was a damn fool to take that last picture at the party. What was he thinking, lurking in the shadows and spying on his friend like that? For all he knew, Aiden could have been talking to anyone; his soccer coach, a recruiter, his estranged dad. Yet Marco cannot shake the sense he witnessed something he wasn't supposed to see or hear that night.

It was a stupid, careless thing to do.

With a sigh, Marco discards the fixing solution from the tank and proceeds to wash the film. Once finished, he unravels the reel of film from the tank. Little droplets of water drip down from the glistening spool to the floor as he holds it high above his head. He locates a clothespin and secures the film reel to a hanging line and removes the excess water with a squeegee.

A faint tone emits from beyond the darkroom. The morning announcements have begun.

Marco fights a wave of uneasiness as he reaches for his backpack. He needs to hurry upstairs to homeroom before he's considered tardy. He can come back for the film at the end of the day.

He wishes he didn't need to come back for it at all.


Marco stares at the disemboweled earthworm splayed before him, regretting his decision to skip breakfast this morning.

"We're supposed to identify the organs and make a quick sketch." 

Evan rips a piece of paper from his notebook and adjusts his lab goggles. "I guess these little nodules in the center are the hearts." 

He halts, wondering why Marco looks so troubled. "Marco? Bro, it's just a worm."

But Marco's mind is elsewhere. Instead, his gaze travels to the front of the room. 

Two tables ahead, Aiden swings a worm at his lab partner Autumn Liu, who laughs and bats him away. Aiden loses his grip on the worm, dropping it unceremoniously onto the dissection pan and eliciting a screech from Autumn who moves to defend herself even though her face is split into a wide grin. Autumn's long, highlighted streaks ripple down her back as she titters with girlish amusement.

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