Part 14: Sunrises and Seasons and Lifetimes

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NSFW ahead :)

The princess expected to see a guard stationed outside of her bedchambers, so when she rounded the corner and found herself alone in the corridor she was both shocked and delighted. Perhaps her declaration was being recognized. Maybe, just maybe, she was finally getting some freedom—some autonomy back in her life.

She and Link had split at the top of the castle steps so that they could both get cleaned up. Inviting him straight to her bath to wash together was a thought that crossed her mind, but she ultimately decided against it. Practicality wise, his own soaps and clothes were in the guard's quarters.

Despite the layer of mud cloaking them upon entering into the castle, the Hero of Hyrule was beet red with shame under the scrutiny of the castle staff. Zelda would've been embarrassed herself, if she wasn't so fond of the look on him, instead.

"I can't believe I let you fall off my horse," he had lamented under his breath.

She giggled. "That's what you're so worked up about?"

The confirmation was in his scrunched-up features, accompanied by a pained sigh.

What a simple boy. She couldn't resist stealing a quick kiss before they went their separate ways to wash up.

Zelda got out of the bath and put on her silk, button-up nightgown. She climbed up on top of the blankets of her bed just as Link knocked on the door and entered inside with two piping hot plates of roasted meat and potatoes. His clean skin was practically glowing and his hair was still a bit damp. He stopped a few steps into the room. She gestured to her dresser as indication to set the food down, and then motioned for him to come closer. She crawled to the foot of the bed and knelt there as he set the food aside.

"Thank you for today," she said, taking his hands in hers when he approached. "It meant more to me than I can probably ever express." She kissed him sweetly, and pulled away to study his handsome face. He smiled lovingly back at her, brushing his thumb against the back of her hand.

The calloused touch made her heart squeeze—a reminder yet again that she was the reason he picked up a sword and fought. She slid her hands up his arms and onto his chest. The chest he had shielded her with, and would undoubtedly do again without so much as a hint of requisition.

His lips parted and he looked down to her hands splayed over his tunic. She tilted her head and kissed him again, feeling bolstered by the lusty glaze that came over his eyes when she did.

...The day isn't over yet, she supposed.

Her hands left his chest to slowly begin unbuttoning her nightgown. Cerulean eyes widened as her fingers worked their way down, enticed by the small slivers of skin that became exposed to him. Zelda undid the last button but paused with the nightgown still veiling her body. Link took the cue and dragged his tunic overtop his head, throwing it to the floor. Then he shuffled his pants down his legs so that all that remained was his undergarments, and it was all Zelda could do to watch wide-eyed, herself. He twisted down to free his ankles of his boots and pants, and she marveled at the glimpse she got of his muscled back.

He was covered in scars—some raised, some pale, some healed enough that they had nearly faded away. They were unbelievably attractive. He straightened before her, tall and stoic and inarguably carved by the Goddesses themselves. There were two distinctive scars running diagonally across his defined abdomen—one from his shoulder, traveling across his left pec, and the other coming from the right side and reaching his toned abs. He let her trace the upper scar gingerly with her fingers. She caressed it with hardly a whisper of a kiss, and his breathing hitched. Someday she would ask about the stories behind these scars.

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