Cole Caufield

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Requested by Babygirlselma



The habs have had a rough season start and in the past few weeks, a 6-game losing streak.
A lot of habs fans have been accusing the goalies, wich I think is completely stupid. You can't just blame one player.
It's a team sport.

But Cole..
He's been way too hard on himself.

"I haven't been able to score a lot lately"

"I'm playing badly recently"

"Why can't I help my team more?"

All those things he's been saying broke my heart.
I tried to comfort him, and remind him he wasn't alone in this, but he wouldn't listen.
He would always blame himself again and again.

"Tell me Y/N, what am I doing wrong?" he asked me when he got home from another loss, making the losing streak to 7 games.

"No, baby, you're not doing anything wrong" I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his nose.

He put his hands on my hips.
"Then why are we losing so much?" he looked pissed.

I understood his reaction, it's probably really nerveracking and disapointing to lose the perfect balance your team had and ending up in the lowest in the league.

"I want you to understand that it's not just your fault" I started as he looked down. "You guys are a team. You win together, you lose together. And it's the NHL, there's some great goalies out there that are hard to score on. That's without thinking of the defense"

"Yeah" he didn't look too conviced.
He lay down on the couch, turning the tv on.

"Babe..." I kneeled beside him. "The key is to stick together. Analyse what mistakes the team made instead of individually. You're bringing yourself down when you do that. You're putting too much pressure on your back. I know you're Montreal's superstar, but you're not the only one that has to score to help the team"

He patted the couch for me to lay down besides him and I did so. He spooned me and we cuddled there for a few minutes before speaking again.

"You're probably right" he said.

I turned to look at him and smiled. "I'm always right, babe" I said playfully.

We spent the rest of the night cuddling on the couch watching movies.

I woke up the next day still all cuddled up with Cole. He kissed my head.

"Morning, babe" he said softly.

"Good morning" I squinted my eyes because of the brightness of the sunlight.

We eventually got up and cooked a small breakfast together, starting the day nicely.
I tried to take his mind off of the game he had this day so he wouldn't stress too much about it.


They were playing the Flames that night. Cole was obviously nervous about the game. I hugged him tightly, hopefully taking a little bit of stress off of him.

"Don't forget what I told you yesterday, you guys are a team. Stick together" I repeated myself.

He just nodded his head and headed to the locker room while I went looking for my seat in the stands.
I usually sat with the other WAGS, but I really wanted to focus on my boyfriend's game for tonight instead of talking. I just didn't feel like it.

The game started a few minutes after the warmups.

Just like several games of the season, the other team scored first and quite quickly.

I could see Cole from where I was.
He already looked pissed

"Please, Coley, don't give up yet" I whispered to myself.

Happily, the whole team just got more solid. They wanted to make the pain end.
They looked determinated to play well.

Suzuki scored a beauty backhand in the end of the first period, making the game tied.
The defenders were more focused and Jake Allen made some great saves.
Cole had a few good chances of scoring, but could not make it happen, as Markström was a great goalie too.

No goals were scored in the second period, bringing the fans to the edge of their seats, even more impatient.

It was now the third period, the game was still tied. The Bell Centre was filled with hockey fans, needy for action.
Great saves and defensive plays brought the game to overtime.

There wasn't any second to lose. They had to win this one.
I was now standing up, just like everyone else in the arena.
OT was always exciting for everybody.

I saw Anderson skate over to the offensive zone with the puck, a defenseman blocking his way to the net. He passed it to Cole who was coming with speed and in less than a second, the puck was in the back of the net.
I heard the goal horn and jumped, seeing my boyfriend looking at me from the ice with a huge smile on his face.
His teammates hugged him and started celebrating.


"I did it!" He hugged me tightly after coming back from the locker room and his shower.

"I'm so proud of you, baby" I hugged him back, admiring his gorgeous smile.


Thank you for requesting ❤
I hope you liked it

(Also, can we all agree that he has one of the cutest smiles ever?)

thanks for reading xxx

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