Mine - Mathew Barzal

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Warning: Contains swearing



I spent the whole day doing absolutely nothing, just like most of the time since the beginning of summer, so my roommate, who's also my best friend proposed to go to the bar to "have some fun".
I was very unsure of that idea.
I never liked going to places filled with strangers, especially places where half of people are drunk.
The bar was definitely the worst fun I could ever have.

But at the same time, I was really really bored and I wanted to go out, wherever it could possibly be.

"Ok, Y/N, if you don't give me an answer now, I will go to the bar without you" my best friend threatened.

I hesitated.

"Hurry, I'm going in 5 minutes!"

"... Fine. I'll go with you" I sighed, taking my decision.

"Yes! Finally you accept to do something fun with me" she jumped.
"You'll love it, come on!"

I grabbed my hoodie while she pulled me out of our shared appartment by my arm.


"I'm sure there'll be some cute boys there" she said as she drove to the bar.

I rolled my eyes at her words.
"Why aren't you on tinder or something if you're desperately looking for a boyfriend?"

"I told you, that tinder thing is bullshit. You can never really know who you're talking to. I'd rather meet people in real life than online" she answered.

"I don't think the bar is any better, to be honest" I looked at her.

"Anyways.." she said.

When we got to the bar, we could already hear the loud music from outside.

I held her the door.
"Ladies first"

"Shut up, you" she scoffed playfully as she entered the bar.

I laughed, following her inside.

People were dancing and joking around, most of them already waisted.

"Yep, knew it. They're all drunk" I snapped, annoyed.

"Don't mind them, they won't bother us"

We sat at the bar and ordered our drinks.

"I still don't know why I accepted to come here, I don't even like alcohool that much"

"Oh my God, stop complaining, we're here to have FUN!" she repeated, a bit pissed off.

We talked for a little while, sipping on our drinks here and there.

"I gotta go to the toilet, can you watch my drink, please?" she asked.


"Thanks" she mouthed as she was already in the hallway to the bathrooms.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and started playing a game, carefully watching both of our drinks at the same time.

"Mm, I like that song" I said to myself, hearing the music in the background.

"Me too" Somebody said behind me.

I turned around and saw a man with a beer in his hand.

"It's pretty good, isn't it?" he said, refering to the song.

"Uh.. yeah" I agreed, confused.

"You know, I noticed you like an hour ago and immediatly thought 'what a beautiful girl' and I just wanted to tell you. I waited 'til you were alone so your little friend couldn't annoy us" he explained and carressed my cheek.

"Um, well.. thank you" I said, a little creeped out, pushing his hand away.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" he asked.

"Yes" I lied.

"That's okay, sweetie, he doesn't have to know"

"Well, he knows" a another man said, coming from my left.
He was younger... and handsome.

"Leave her the fuck alone. Can't you see she's not interested?"

"She's your girlfriend?" the creepy man asked.

The young brunette nodded his head, death staring at the man in front of me.

"Alright, I'll leave you two alone, but just know, your girlfriend is fucking hot" he smirked.

My 'so pretended boyfriend' punched the guy right in the face, leaving him on the ground with a bloody nose.

"What's your fucking problem, man?" he snapped after falling to the ground.

"She's mine dude, don't ever go near her again" he spat.

"Thank you so much, I didn't know what to do honestly" I thanked the cute brunette while the other guy left the bar, holding his nose.

"No problem, he should really learn how to speak to women respectfully"

"Mine, eh?" I changed the subject and smirked.

"Yeah..." he put his hands on the back of his neck. "Was that too much?" he asked, worried.

"No, it was perfect" I smiled, admiring his beautiful brown eyes. "What's your name?"

"Oh yeah, sorry, I'm Mathew, but you can call me Mat" he answered.

"I'm Y/N"

"Well, Y/N, it was nice meeting you" he said after a short moment of silence.

I was a little bit disapointed. I would've liked talking with him a little more.
I looked down...

"Wait, Mat!" he turned around.

"How about I give you my number and, maybe we could go out some time?" I risked.

"Yeah, sure" a big smile formed on his face.

We exchanged our numbers and he looked at me in my eyes.

"Bye, Y/N" he said as he kissed my hand and left the bar.

I blushed and looked back at the hallway where I saw my bestie.

Right on time.

"Sorry, it took so long, there were so many people waiting for the bathrooms!" she apologized. "What did I miss?"

"Oh, nothing special" I smirked looking down at my phone, noticing an unseen text message. I clicked on it.

'I can't wait to see you again, and hopefully make you mine for real, this time.

- Mat'


I hope you like it

thanks for reading xxx

Love you guys ❤

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