Together - Trevor van Riemsdyk

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My Nhl career started a few years ago, when I got drafted third overall by the Chicago Blackhawks. I don't know if the fact that I was a girl really did have an impact on the way people would look at me, I assume so, but the fans and media seemed to have a problem with me.
Constant, daily, endless negative comments on me or the way I played, wich is ridiculous, because I don't wanna be selfish, but I didn't play badly. I actually had a great rookie season. It would never stop. This only added to the anxiety of playing in the Nhl.

They ended up trading one of our players for Trevor van Riemsdyk.
His experience with the Blackhawks was really similar to mine. As much as we wanted to deny it, we finally accepted to say we were getting treated excessively poorly by the fans and media. That's probably what got us so close to each other. We would always stick together and even got placed on the same line. It didn't take long for us to quicly become best friends.

The ups and downs, we lived them together. The wins and the losses, we lived them together. Sometimes, we would go at his place or mine after a game and just hang out there, to either clebrate or get through a rough match. Being so comfortable around each other obviously helped us with our bad condition. We became protective of one another.

But even with that, I started to have more than enough.

We were always judged by the people in the stands, people wearing Blackhawks jerseys. What had we done to deserve this? It was getting me completely out of control. Crying on his shoulder became a habit. He was the best at comforting me. But it wasn't enough. But just before it could get worse, we heard news that could possibly be good.
That was five years after we met.

We both got traded to Washington. We didn't know what to expect at all. What would people think of us there? Atleast, we were together. Nothing could stop us.

We quickly realized we were much more appreciated there. More people were asking for autographs, or cheering loudly when we were on the ice. Our names were on several jerseys, and it really was the best feeling ever. This was only after a few games since the trade.


On a Saturday night, we were playing the Pittsburgh Penguins. It was the last minute of the second period and on the board was written 3-3. I skated over to the bench, letting a few players play their last shift of this period. Nothing happened except for some shots on goal, stopped by the goalies. The time went out and we walked back to the locker room. The coach made a little speech, talking about strategies and ways we could beat the Pens, as we desperatly needed a win. He looked towards Trevor and I. "Y/N, Trevor. You guys are on the same line, wich is perfect because I like the way you're playing and I decided to give you more ice time from now on. No pressure, but I believe in you to keep us in the game, understood?" he asked.

"Yes, coach" we said at the same time, nodding our heads.
He trusted us, we had to make him proud, atleast by giving our 100%.

20 minutes passed and we walked in the hall leading to the ice. I looked up at all the fans in the stands and smiled. It gave me some motivation.

After 15 minutes, the games was still tied. Trevor and I jumped on the ice and he immediatly received the puck. I skated towards the blue line, letting him in the offensive zone before me, avoiding offside. With the defenders in front of their goalie, he couldn't shoot, so he skated around the net with the puck and passed it to me quickly. Without thinking about it, I shot and sent it right into the back of the net. I raised my hands in the air and heard the goal horn. The fans jumped from their seats and cheered happily. My teammates on the ice skated towards me, Trevor being the first one, and hugged me, celebrating. I fist bumped everyone on my team, including the coach and sat on the bench with only less than 3 minutes left.

Trevor sat next to me and shook my shoulders excitedly. "You did it!" he had the biggest smile on his face. "What a pass, though" I shrugged and smiled as well. It was probably the game winning goal. I was quite proud of myself.

It got confirmed when the game ended, with a win of 4-3 for us. We came back to the locker room, a smile on everybody's face, especially Trevor's. I got the rope given to me by Ovi for the game winning goal and the coach told me to stay after for an interview with Craig Laughlin and Joe Benninati, the Caps' announcers.

I took a quick shower and then joined Tom Wilson who was also gonna answer a few questions. I sat on a chair in front of several cameras for the post-game press conference. As expected, Craig and Joe were there. They asked Tom about his game and his opinion on the way the team played. Joe then looked at me and smiled. "Tell us, Y/N. What's it like playing with your best friend of five years and having him assist you on the game winning goal?"

"Obviously, it feels great. We have an amazing bond on and off the ice and I think it helps us play well together like we did tonight. The rest of the guys did good too. I'm proud to be on this team" I saw Tom smile next to me. Joe continued. "You and Trevor seem to be the perfect duo" I blushed when his name was mentionned and I nodded, looking down. "I really appreciate him, he's a great guy" I looked back at the announcer.

I could swear I saw him smirk before he ended the interview. "Thank you both for your time and congrats on the win" he stood up and left.

I joined Trevor in the locker room and picked my things up as he did the same. "You didn't have to wait for me, y'know?" I told him, walking out of the arena. "Yeah, I know, but I did it anyways" he smiled and I rolled my eyes. "See ya at my place tonight?" he asked.

"Yeah of course, what do you think?" I replied, getting in my car and immediatly drove to his house. We got there at the same time and we just cuddled and watched a movie, something we were really used to do.


A few weeks later, we were doing the exact same thing after another win. I lay my head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around my waist. I just continued watching the movie, but I felt him stare at me with soft eyes.
"Y/N, I still can't believe you haven't noticed yet.."
I looked at him, confused. "What do you mean?"

"Isn't it obvious that I'm in love with you?" My eyes widened as his words slipped out of his mouth. "Since the beginning, Y/N. You were never a friend to me.. you were way more than that. You were my other half, my soulmate, my angel. You made everything so easy for me. Whatever I was going through, I didn't care about how bad it was, the only thing that mattered was you and I spending time together, making me forget the dark and heavy part of hockey. And I will be forever grateful for that, but I just can't hold it in anymore, Y/N. Everytime you're in my arms, my heart is racing so fast. I love you"

I didn't say anything, I just took his face in my hands and kissed him passionately. He pulled me closer to him with his arms and kissed me back. "I love you too, Trev" I said between kisses. He broke the kiss and smiled. "So, Y/N.. will you be mine?"

"Happily" I replied, kissing him again.


Happy birthday to itssammiesimmers who also requested this!!! 🥳 Thank you for your support...
I hope you liked it 🤍

thanks for reading xxx

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