Just breathe - Nic Dowd

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Requested by itssammiesimmers


Sammie's POV

Hockey is my whole life.

I grew up in the country of hockey, played since I was 4.
I used to look at NHL players as models. As examples.
I wanted to be just like them.

The only issue, I'm a woman.

All my life, we've told me to find another dream. We've told me that the NHL was just for men. We've told me that I could never be as good and skilled as them.

Well, the thing I love the most, after hockey, is to prove people wrong.

This is what I did.

I worked hard, I gave my 100%, I never gave up, I believed in myself.

And now, here I am.

Right wing for the Washington Capitals.

The boys were really nice and welcoming, helping me integrate the group when I got drafted.
Especially Nic.
He really was there for me the most out of the whole team and we developed a certain bond that made us inseparable.

We spent more time together, at the rink and then it started to influence our personal lives too.
We would see each other, meet up at a café or a park.
The way he looked at me made me fall for him even more. I couldn't help but love him.

Good news for me, he loved me too.

We eventually became an actual couple.

As the rookie, and a woman in the NHL, the attention was 24/7 on me.

That made my anxiety even worse.
I always felt like I had to do everything right and I didn't want to screw up.

Every single comment could hit me harder than it looked.
The fact that Nic was older than me by several years didn't help at all.

Sometimes it hurt, but I knew how to hide it.

I didn't wanna bother him with my personal problems, but he caught me one day having a panic attack.
Happily, he didn't seem bothered at all.
He helped me calm down and spent the rest of the day watching over me, making sure I was alright.
Atleast, that was at home.


He stood in the door frame of our bedroom, wearing sweatpants and no shirt

"Tomorrow's a big day. How are you feeling?" he asked me, while I was putting one of his shirts on.

I sighed. "I'm fine" I looked away.

He walked slowly towards me, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"You'll do great, baby. I know the first game of the year is always stressfull, but you gotta stay focused and give everything you got, alright?" he lifted my chin up with his finger, making me look at him.

"Okay" I smiled, getting on the bed.

He joined me and put his hand on my hip, under his shirt, drawing small shapes on my bare skin.

"Goodnight, baby" he kissed my temple.

"Goodnight" I said back.


The game was about to start.
I was feeling really nervous. It's like I had a knot in my chest.
The coach was making his pre-game speech. I could barely hear what he was saying.

Nic's POV

"Alright boys, do your best, and we'll be up to a good start" the coach said walking towards the hall leading to the ice, me and the rest of the team following him.

We were all wishing each other good luck and doing our handshakes with Ovi, when I looked around.

"Hey, where's Sammie?" I asked, concerned, not seeing my girlfriend.

"I think she's still in the locker room" I heard Tom Wilson say.

I nodded, thanking him and walked back to the locker room quickly.

I hoped it wasn't something too serious.

Sammie's POV

My vision was starting to get blurry. I couldn't breathe anymore.
Tears were streaming down my face.
I couldn't move either.
I wasn't able to get up and join the boys in the hall, so I stayed here.
My heart was racing like crazy.

"Hey, hey, baby" somebody who I supposed to be Nic said.

"Shhh, it's okay. Look at me" he bent down and grabbed my hands in his. "Look at me" he repeated softly.

I looked up at him.

"You're shaking, baby, what's wrong?" he hugged me, kissing the top of my head.

"I-I ca-can't..." I couldn't finish my sentence.

He cupped my cheeks with his hands.
"Just breathe, babygirl, I got you"

His voice was calming and I felt safe with him.

He did some breathing excercises with me, helping me relax and getting ready for the game.

"Drink some water and you'll be good to go" he said, walking with me towards the hall.


Thank you so, so much for requesting, it means a lot ❤ I hope you liked it <333

thanks for reading 🤍 xxx

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