Chapter 17: Familiam

Start from the beginning

"God damnit I think I fell in love."

Zane was sitting on a nearby log, fully dressed in a blue tank top, pants, and hiking boots while a set of magenta glasses rested on his face. Unfortunately, he couldn't see them because his heavy breathing somehow fogged them up. On his lap, Zane had a laptop on his lap. This laptop had a black cable connected to a small helicopter drone.

"Say something Buddy?" Galahad turned his head to Zane, who almost dropped his laptop when the paladin turned his attention to him.

"No, sorry, just talking to myself, this code is really challenging!" Zane was turning a bright red color when Galahad's eyes focused solely on him.

"It's okay Zane, you're hella smart so I know you can do it!" Galahad cheered Zane on, and Zane instantly felt immeasurably guilty for some reason.

"Damn it, why am I lewding such a cinnamon roll in my mind." Zane cursed to himself.

While Zane was mentally beating himself up for being a pervert, Galahad laid on his back to simply drift amongst the top of the water. While the two men were doing their own thing, something crawled through the large bushes and lush wildlife not too far from them. Its striped orange fur was hunched over, while its glowing green eyes were focused solely on the blue haired boy. Its fangs glistened in the sunlight before letting out a low growl, which Zane didn't hear, but someone else did. The beast pounced forward, roaring and focusing everyone's attention onto it. Zane noticed the giant tiger too late, he couldn't move quick enough to get out of the way. The tiger's mouth opened wide to reveal a row of sharp teeth on the side of someone's hand. Zane's eyes went wide as dinner plates, there was no escape for him, this was the end.


The humid jungle air suddenly grew more and more humid, and a wall of flames forced the giant tiger back. The tiger landed on the ground and swiftly jumped back, rubbing its face into the ground to stop the burning. The tiger looked at Galahad, who was holding a double edged greatsword, the guard of which depicted a sun. Galahad's skin now has a slightly red tint to it, and flames were emitting off his muscular body. 

"This is Shamsiel, a greatsword from my family of Paladins." Galahad stepped forward, and Zane could see the lake's water evaporate around him. "My family's blood has been blessed by the sun, and the higher the sun is in the sky, the stronger the blessing becomes. Shamsiel is the only weapon in the world that our family can use at full power."

The tiger's face fur was burned off, but the tiger still lunged at Galahad, who was now fully out of the now evaporating water. In response to this attack, Galahad raised his sword high into the air, costing it in a golden flame aura. The tiger lunged in front of the paladin, who swung his sword downwards in a flash of golden light. The tiger's body spilled a few droplets of blood before splitting in half before it could reach Galahad. The left and right halves of the giant tiger's body flew past him, and landed face first into what remained of the evaporated river. The tiger's giant corpse fell into the ditch that was once a lake, with it's cut facing the sky. The wound was cauterized, and still sizzling thanks to the immense heat that the cut gave off.

"Phew, that scared me." Galahad took a breath out and the temperature slowly but surely returned back to normal. Galahad then looked at Zane. "Zane, are you okay?"

"I'm okay." Zane answered while looking at Galahad in shock.

"Are you sure, you're looking kind of pale?" The still shirtless Galahad walked over to Zane and put his palm over the blue haired boy's forehead, causing Sane to blush because he was getting an up close and personal view of the man's abs. "Holy crap you're burning up, we need to get you back to Sanctuary as fast as possible!"

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