Abracadabra screw you!

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Mina: I know where we are!

Denki: It's the city from the entrance exam!

Shoto: This can't be good...

Bakugo: Izuku.... what the hell...

Izuku: I ahm... I had a couple of thoughts how to deal with that event afterwards.... we might see one.

Shigaraki: Let it start!

I was in the waiting room with all the other candidates waiting for someone to come and explain the next part of the exam. Thanks to the small encouragement I got from my mother, I had the wilpower to go on and to whatever it is neccessary to get through this exam.

While I was thinking that and about the condition of my mother, I saw Mic come into the room all around.

Mic: Can I get a YEAH?!


Mina: Oh I remember you screamed that back then as well.

Kirshima: Oh that was you?

Denki: sure was me!

Shigarkai: Useless!

Izuku But fun!

Mic: Tough audience, I see!

He then began to explain how there are 3 types of robots and their sizes and the point and yada yada yada. I didn't really pay any attention to what he was saying since we had our own paper with information in front of us. Then all of the sudden someone interrupted him rather rudely.

???: Sir by all due respect, in this paper it says that there are 4 robots. You only described three of them is this some kind of error? AND you with the green hair, listen to the information given and sop making this annoying noise with your pen! It's rather rude to the one speaking! Such a behavior is not acceptable!

Shoto: And that is our Iida right there.

Bakugo: What a prik as always.

Izuku: And targeting me... I think he did the same back then too because I was mubeling.

Hari: Ama cut the guys tongue out.

Overhaul: Just take him in as a whole.

Kurogiri: If you can find him first that is.

Izuku: NO! No one is gonna do anything about him!

Shigaraki: *sigh* you heard him.

Me: I am sorry but don't you think you are the rude one here?

???: How come?

Me: You are obviously part of the Iida family judging from the engines on your feet and also the resemblance to your brother. You out of everyone here should know better than to just interrupt a hero while he is still explaining. I am sure that Present Mic was about to talk about this part. And second no one has anything against my nervous tapping with the pen beside you! I just need something in my hands and I don't have a fidget toy with me. Got another problem with that?

???: I ahm I am sorry! I didn't know that. How did you know that I was part of the Iida family?

Me: As I said, the engines.

???: I meant how did you know about the Iida family?

Me: Well it is widely known that Ingenum is part of the Iida family since he can't hide the engines on his arm when he goes in public. Seeing you have them on your feet made think that you are part of the family and in fact his little brother too.

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