House Of Cards ~ JHS 1/2

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Character claim -- Jung Hoseok

Character claim -- Jung Hoseok

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our lives are like game stages .... stages which are very important to survive.... stages which once failed there is no revive option

stage one where we are toddlers .... we turn toddlers to teenagers ...... this stage roams around our parents and our basic life structure 

where we learn what is this world and how we are going to survive in this complicated world

then there is stage two .... where turn teenager to adults this stage we finally are able to stand on our feet......all these years that we study or done some practice come into force in this stage 

where we are like a new game character to this world .... that are ready to play and upgrade 

and the most difficult stage .... stage Three ...where we are finally matured enough to bond with someone .... where most of the people need a partner to lean stay in thick and thins of life

where your partner's feeling is mended like your own

this stage is marriage 

marriage is a bond of destiny 

where two beautiful souls meet and bond with each other ...and promise to stay forever with each other 

in this period .... one need time and patience to irrigate their bond of love 

True love is rare to found 

but when it is found comes with...possessiveness...a sense of protectiveness and a bit of obsession towards the partner 

this is the story of true love between Jung Hoseok and Jung y/n 

 ...they found each other in the un-ending valley of darkness 

arrange marriage was like made for them...they were happily married for 5 years

5 years were enough for them to fall in love with each other 

they support each other...stay by each other side.... they love each other endlessly

but being perfect for each other doesn't mean life won't play with you 

fate can play very unfair sometimes 

the couple which is perfect

after marriage and spending quality years with each other 

Hoseok and y/n decide to start their family 

they decided to have kids 

"Hobi...should we start our family?" you asked hesitantly to your husband who was very much engrossed in the movie

BTS DARK ONESHOTSOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora