The Lost Queen ~ Bangtan 2/2

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during the Era of kings and their kingdoms...

kings were treated as gods...

if king said it was compulsory then it was compulsory

if king said it was banned and no one in that kingdom dare to do that practice

Kings were the only source for a common man to dissolve his problems

The simple four-letter word KING have much more important meaning then only just a word

as more the importance of a king increase it was more essential to save their kingdom from getting divided and ruled

so, it was a common practice for kings to marry their princes and princess between their own family blood to avoid giving their hard made reign get divided between others

unfortunately, this old practice became the curse for one's life

king Kim Jaewon a very fierce, brave king

but fierce and brave does not mean that he also had a good heart

he was GREEDY

greedy for money

greedy for power

greedy for respect

this greed made him marry more than 20 queens

every time he would marry a queen, he would demand a territory of their state as DOWRY

his most of all queens were forced to give birth to a prince


queen Jung sara didn't get exploited by her husband king Kim Jaewon

she demanded the king to let her daughter birthed otherwise return her dowry territory back to her kingdom

the king agreed with a stoned heart ...he didn't want to let go his piece of territory for this small matter

queen Jung sara the 14th queen of king Kim Jaewon birthed

Jung y/n the only princess of Kim dynasty

your relationship with your father was not a pleasant relationship

he hated you since your birth

the only thought in your father's mind was your marriage

he knew he also have to give a piece of his territory as dowry at the time of your marriage

his greed and ego were not allowing him to do so

but it was also compulsory to marry off you to maintain a public image of their king

because an unmarried girl or princess was a thought of sour eye to many people

on the other hand

you were a 19-year-old innocent princess who never looked out of the castle walls because of your father

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