Shape Of You ~ KTH 2/2

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"TAEHYUNG ...?!"



you were desperately trying to untie your hands which were tied to your back and you were chained to your chair

"I love you my princess" he mumbled and....

Pointed the gun under his chin

* SHOT *

~ few hours earlier ~

"Don't be a brat princess and eat" he fed you forcefully and you just ate silently

"I-I'm full" you uttered

"No, you're not .... this is not your eat around 15 spoons daily and this is just the 8th one"

Your eyes went large as saucers

"No need to get so surprised princess ......I know your each and every vein..." he smiled and wiped your lips with his hands and pecked it softly

Your lifeless eyes had glint of happiness after the soothing words of your husband

Since you were younger you developed a disease called PCOS which led to your weight gain

But the weight gain was not that much but still more than the standard Korean girls

Your parents always had a type of stereotype against you

Your younger sister was fit and had a beautiful body

You always envied her, but you were not at fault that you caught PCOS at the age of 16

Your parents no doubt took care of you.... took you to regular checkups ......paid your education fees ...

But the most important thing named parent affection was still missing in your life.... apart from affects affection you got only one thing from them Taunts and disrespect from your family

your marriage with Tae-Hyung was a god gift for you

Tae-Hyung's parents were looking for a down to earth girl...with very charming personality and somehow, they reached your father the owner of a renowned fashion brand

his parents liked your personality but somewhere they had a doubt regarding you but............ still they wanted their son to marry as he was getting close of age 27

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