Thanks For Reading

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Finalllyyyyyyyyy it comes to an end
finally finally

Thank you so much for reading!!! I hope you enjoyed <3 This really was just a side-story with extra information, so I hope you didn't find it too boring.

Now that this is done, I'll focus all my attention on the continuation of the main storyline. It's all coming together guys ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
But Yh- very fun writing it, can't wait to start posting

A lot of the stuff mentioned in this story is relevant/ will be mentioned, so if you managed to read through this without being too bored, you are now the all-knowing, informed reader, superior to all that have not experienced this story >:)
Again, thanks so much for suffering through it

Since I'm still in the process of finishing stuff up on the other story, are there any questions/ plot points/ characters you would enjoy reading? Let me know :)
I write to make you happy + fill the void™️

Please forgive me for my slow progress. Blame my loathsome horrid stick-insect vampire invertebrate professor that made me memorise 30+ pages of literature for an (ultimately irrelevant) exam I still fucking failed 🎉 shoutout to you prof Mabel thanks for that enriching experience

But HEY it's getting closer to summer when I'm free to frolic and gaze at the sun. Apart from learning to drive. If I suddenly go quiet just assume I've accidentally driven myself off a cliff.

My only consolation for cruelly making you wait for this is that I've written almost all of the other story (apart from the absolute clusterfuck of a middle where literally everyone is in different places all at once) so you won't have to wait very long for me to post the first few chapters. I'll be trying to post at least three at a time.
(She says confidently) 😅

Getting this finished was such a pain in the arse thanks to studies. Apologies it took so long to finish a story that was literally already concluded 💀

I love every one of you. Forgive my typos. I'll see you soon ❤️❤️

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