5- The Plot

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Rosin struggled to keep up with Kristin as he blazed across the gardens. Everyone that laid eyes on him went pale, anyone in his path fled at the sight of his figure. He was double the height of everyone else in the tribe, even Rosin. And right now he looked a little bit like a human.

Rosin was afraid for the people on the other side of the double doors by the time they reached the tribe centre. Kristin shoved the flat of his hand against the wood. Nothing. A slight jolt, but then the lock snagged and the doors remained locked.
"I told you-" Silk was chasing after them, his sister close behind him, "I can't get in, it's-"
Kristin kicked the double doors open with one foot, as if they were made of paper and not oak. There was a splintering sound as the lock on the other side was obliterated, one more shove of his heel sent them flinging wide open. Everyone stared agog as the hall opened up in front of him. The man wasted not even a second— he stormed through the doorway.

A sea of white furs were clumped in one corner of the room. It became apparent after a few steps that there was orange inside that crowd— that orange was Wren. They were backed up against a wall, glaring proudly at the people surrounding them. Glaring, but visually unnerved. Trying to get a word in and flinching when voices overpowered them. There were at least ten adults clumped around Wren, all a meter taller, none with even a glimmer of benevolence on their faces. And among them, their leader. Oleander.

"What is this?!" Kristin blazed across the room. The crowd parted slightly as they all turned to face him. Wren's head poked up as they went onto their tippy-toes, eyes wide at the familiar voice. Rosin saw how they melted with relief at the sight of Kristin.

Oleander's loathsome red hair became visible as she strolled to the front of her entourage. Venomous green eyes rolled up and down Kristin until the woman gave a flick of her hand, "Go. We are quite alright-"
"Kristin!" Wren was ducking under the woman's arm before anyone knew what was happening. They reached out towards their guard, but at Oleander's order the man behind them snatched their wrist. He yanked Wren backwards until they were slammed against the rough stone wall, immediately surrounded by the rest of the crowd.
Kristin made an unearthly sound.

"Trakstil em-va rend!" He roared. "Frakka!"
"Get away from them!" Rosin translated by a very accurate guess. Far less profanity. And it was not her words that made the intimidators move, rather the sight of the man that stomped murderously towards them. He could, and would, snap them in half if they didn't clear a path between him and his Elder.

Oleander stepped to the side with a roll of her eyes, "So dramatic, Kristin. Wren and I were discussing matters. We do not need her dog to involve himself."
He stopped dead. With quivering hands he turned to her, pupils shrinking in his eyes.
"Infernal creature." He whispered. Rosin panicked when his hand went to his blade, "I should-"
"You should what?" She was ready with the response. Judging by her smile, she had been meaning to provoke him like this, "By all means, strike me, see how my brother reacts."
That irritated Rosin almost as much as it irritated Kristin, "Your brother is-" but she was cut off by another voice.

"Kristin!" Wren ran through the path that had been made for them. The man's whole face changed— he swept away from Oleander and snatched the little figure into his arms.
"Mitta'n ril." He shuddered. All emotion softened at the feel of Wren. The man drew himself around them, glaring murderously. Kristin was aware that he could not treat the 'Elder' in such a way when they had company— he was aware of the evil, satisfied smile on Millicent's face as she looked at the two of them. So even though every muscle quivered with the need to keep their head under his hand, their face cuddled to his shoulder, Kristin settled for pushing them behind him. When he realised he could feel soft trembles radiating through the hands on his back, that heart-squishing rage returned.

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