Chapter 16; Pancakes

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are u awake yet
im bored

im in the kitchen
can u help
im trying to make these pancakes

okay hold on i need to feed patches and then ill go help

patches is with me
i fed her already
the pancakes are gonna burn 

Dream sighed and turned off his phone, knowing this could go one of two ways. One, George acts like yesterday never happened and it was him just not feeling right, or two, he actually makes an effort. Dream was practically begging for the second one, as he needed to make sure last night definitely wasn't a hyper-realistic dream.

"Good morning." Dream said, spinning in circles before stopping infront of George to make a grand entrance. He always did silly things like that because they made George laugh, if the smallest thing made George laugh, he'd do it, if the most embarrassing thing ever made George laugh, he'd do it in a heartbeat.

"Can you flip it properly? I don't know how to." He said, standing away from it. Dream grabbed the pan and shuffled it back and forth to prepare for the flip, which he successfully did. George sarcastically clapped as Dream bowed and pretended to curtsey.

"Wow, you're so professional." He laughed, taking control over it once again. Dream smiled and sat on the counter next to the stove, so he could watch George cook, and also to help him when needed. Dream turned the heat down on the pancakes so he could have an excuse to talk to George for longer. He put the spatula on the plate and stood infront of George.

"I know, I should be on like- a TV show with professional cooks." Dream gave his sassy smile and pretended to a hair flick behind his shoulder, despite not having hair long enough to do so. George started randomly poking at his shoulder, giving Dream an idea. Dream started pretending George was shooting him and started dramatically throwing himself backwards.

"So while everyone is making the most gourmet meals of all time, you'll be making pancakes?" George said once they stopped laughing, even though they would soon be laughing again.

"Yeah, duh." He said, turning the stove off. He let the pancake cool down as he got the spatula, George saw the pancakes were ready and opened the cupboard above him, standing up on the counter to reach the syrup.

"Okay, do you think you'll win?" George asked, handing him the syrup and the pot of sugar. He jumped down only to immediately realised their height difference. He didn't think Dream would be much taller than him, as he had seen photos of Sapnap and Dream together, but Dream was actually so much taller than Sapnap in real life. He assumed Sapnap just angled the cameras in a certain way to make it seem like he was taller, which he would soon start teasing Sapnap about now that he realised it.

"Oh, for sure." He smirked, handing him a plate of pancakes with syrup. Dream only put a bit of sugar on his as he didn't want syrup on his. Dream felt a smirk grow on his face when George took a bite, knowing they tasted good and George would just try to deny it.

"I think they only taste good because I cooked them first." George said, taking another bite. Dream rolled his eyes and pretended to look offended by it.

"Oh I just remembered, I forgot to give you the pink, fluffy, sparkly dress I said I would get you when we were at the park." Dream said, grabbing his phone to find one. George took the phone from Dream and clicked on Safari to search up the thing he wanted to.

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