Out of the blue, 2 nurses entered the room. They headed over to where Paul and the masked man were. One of the nurses picked up the masked man's blanket and covered him from the neck down. After she was done, she along with the nurse over at Paul's bed grabbed the handles and the back of the bed and started transporting them to another area. Paul was fine with this until he remembered one dreaded place in this hospital. Like many this hospital had a "death room". A room where the injured would be left to die to make space for another wounded soldier.

Knowing where he was headed Paul began to scream for help. "HILFE!" (Help!) Paul screamed. "HILFE ICH WILL NICHT STERBEN!" (HELP I DONT WANT TO DIE) he cried, but it would ultimately fall on deaf ears as the nurses ignored every cry for help. Eventually they reached a wooden door. The nurses opened it only to reveal a completely dark room. The moans and cries from other injured patients could be heard inside. As the nurses left him there, he noticed how the cries of pain were slowly being put out one by one. Paul grew increasingly more paranoid as more and more of the cries began to go silent. Eventually the man next to him stopped making noise. By now Paul's heart was beating faster than ever before. Faster than when he first stormed no man's land, faster than when he killed a man for the first time in a crater hole. His thoughts were running wild but they were interrupted when he felt 2 cold fingers touch his cheek. The second he felt that all of the air left his body. The fear was consuming him. He felt as those 2 cold, bony fingers gently touched his cheek. Slowly it decended from his cheek to his throat. When that happened the fingers turned into a hand, a hand that tightly wrapped around his neck, slowly choking him. Paul struggled for 30 seconds before his body ultimately gave up and he started to loose consciousness.

"NEIN!" Paul cried out as he jolted up from his sleep. He put his hands around his neck only to feel his skin. His scream had woken up Kropp who was pretty pissed of for being awoken. Paul ignored him and went outside to eat breakfast. When he checked his scroll he was the time was 6:10 AM. The sun would rise soon so he decided to wake everyone up so the could continue with the search.

Once everyone was awake, they ate some MRE's supplied by beacon and continued with the search after packing their tents.

Their search continued like normal. Following the trail, climbing a few hills and through some rough terrain. Tjaden asked Robert if he believed the girl was alive, to which he responded with a yes. He explained that his semblance only allowed him to track people who were alive and as long as they hadn't gotten wet, otherwise he would loose the trail.

As the continued searching, They reached a cliff. The trail didn't even come close to it but they decided to check out the views from the mountain they were in, much to Robertas annoyance. Kat saw in the distance some black spots moving. He took out a pair of binoculars and what he saw left him speechless. It was a group of 5 elephant grimm. He asked Robert about them. He said that those were some of the most aggressive and dangerous grimm in all of Remant and that they were best left alone. After a groups picture of all 4 Germans, they were on their way again.

Once they made their way down from the mountain, Kat noticed a pair of red eyes stalking them. He informed Robert and he ordered everyone to take out their weapons and be on high alert. Out of the bushes emerged a lone beowolf. Tjaden shot it with ease and it soon evaporated but then another 5 showed up. Both parties stared at each other for a moment waiting to make a move. Robert took out his pistol and shot one of the beowolves in the head. The other wolves attacked and began charging at the 5 huntsmen. Paul threw himself to the ground to avoid having is head eaten by a charging beowolf. Once he was up again the wolf was ready to attack once more. This time he didn't move. He raised his bayonet and when the beowolf lunged at him he stuck his bayonet inside of the beast's mouth. The knife went right through its skull killing it instantly. Robert using his knife was able to cut on of the wolf's legs clean off. The grimm now leaked on the ground yelping,  tu he didn't care he plunged the knife into its stomach and quickly he moved up to its neck.

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