Chapter 83

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Multiple POVs

Jackson's POV

I admit I was a bit irritated when Diggins called and said to cancel our Germany plans, but when he told me about the ten million deposit for Italy, I was thrilled. He explained that Marissa and I would get half, and then an additional five million once the final installment was paid by the Giovanni family. That would be more than enough to establish ourselves wherever we wanted. I called the compound and had the chef prepare several of her favorite dishes, and I'd stopped for roses on the way back.

She was sitting on the balcony patio when I arrived. She must not have heard me come in, because she didn't react at all. She was staring out at the sunset, open book in hand, with her feet tucked under her. Her hair was up but a few tendrils wrapped around her face and neck as the warm breeze blew. I walked up behind her as quietly as possible and bent down, placing a kiss on her neck as I put the roses in front of her. She jolted and then smiled when she realized it was me. I couldn't help but notice the bruises along her neck and frowned.

"What happened?" I asked, coming around in front of her. She inhaled the smell of the roses deeply before answering.

"Senator Diggins drugged the man he wanted me to meet. They used it as leverage to double the asking price," she said, not making eye contact.

"Is the baby okay," I asked quietly, "Do you need me to get you anything?"

She shook her head, "I'm fine, we both are. Dr. Murdoch said they're just surface bruises and will fade in a few days. I'm just a bit sore. Sorry if I worried you," she said quietly.

I took her hand, rubbing circles with my thumb, "You have nothing to apologize for, but I am going to have a word with Diggins. I told him to keep you safe, and darling, this," I said, gesturing to the bruises, "isn't keeping you safe. I don't care if it gets us to Italy or not."

"Italy? I thought we were going to Germany?" she said with a confused look.

I frowned again. I really thought he would have told her. "Rissa, sweetie, after your um, time with Mr. Giovanni, he paid Diggins ten million for your services. We are going to Italy to help his father with a personal matter and will get another ten million when the job is done. Half goes to the Academy, half to us." Her eyes lit up as I continued, "Once this job is done, we can settle anywhere in the world you want. It will give us the ability to be pickier about your assignments."

About that time, the maid came out with our dinner. She grinned when she saw the lasagna. "You remembered," she said softly.

"Of course I did." I knelt in front of her, taking both hands in mine, "Rissa, I meant what I said before I left. I do love you. I want to give you the world, and the Academy can help with that. I know the price is high, but if you give me a chance, I will make you love me, I promise," I told her as I pulled her closer and pressed my lips to hers. She eagerly responded to the kiss which made my heart soar. When we parted, I sat next to her and offered to feed her. When she accepted I genuinely smiled. I had a twinge of guilt knowing the food was lightly laced with the stimulant, but it was a small dose and I don't think she'll notice too much.

Trigger Warning: non/con-rape; forced drug use

Marissa's POV

I had to keep myself from screaming in joy when Jackson said we were going to Italy. I knew it had to be part of the plan, and I needed to be patient. Jackson continued to feed me as we talked and sipped our water. "So when are we leaving for Italy - still this Friday?" I asked him.

He shook his head, "We have a small task in Greece before arriving in Italy. The jet will be ready tomorrow night so that we can arrive mid-day in Athens."

My head was feeling a bit fuzzy as I pushed for more information, "What kind of task, if I'm allowed to know?" I had to be careful to keep up the meek and mild persona they were beginning to expect. Jackson ran his hand up my leg and I let out a soft moan. His touch felt like fire on my skin, and it made me instantly realize he'd dosed me, probably through the food. I fought to stay clear-headed, but it was becoming increasingly difficult. He pushed the small table and food away, kneeling between my legs once again. I felt his hands tug at my panties and I didn't resist. There was no use. As long as I was here, I was at their mercy. Fighting would only place my daughter and the guys at more risk. I'd made the agreement - hell, the Judge had even recorded it.

I felt his fingers brush over my clit and arched at the contact. It sent shockwaves through my body. He leaned in close to my ear as his fingers slid into my folds. "You have a target to neutralize for the Academy in Athens - Lily Anderson," he said and slammed his fingers deep. I screamed and began to grind on his hand. "That isn't going to be a problem is it, Rissa?"

His pace picked up as he drove me closer to an orgasm. " sir," I whined, trying to stave off the orgasm. I knew once he pushed me over, the drug would intensify my neediness.

His teeth grazed my ear as he spoke. "Whom do you belong to, Marissa? Whom do you obey?"

"To my husband and the Academy. I obey you both," I heard a voice answer. It took me a moment to realize it was my own voice speaking. I felt like I'd been shoved into a box in my mind and someone else was answering and responding for me. My answer must have pleased Jackson because he chuckled and proceeded to eat me out after telling me I was such a good wife. My body responded explosively to his attention as I begged for more.

"Cum for me, my obedient wife," he muttered against my folds as his tongue swiped across me again. With my legs on his shoulders, I arched and fell over the edge. Everything after that was blurry, but I know we ended up in the bed and I was very sore the next morning as I woke up with him still inside of me, and ready for another round.


We left the compound that night with Dr. Murdoch and two Academy guards. I sat in my seat, twirling the diamond ring Jackson had placed on me the first day. I was nervous about going to sleep after what happened during dinner the night before. Part of me never believed the conditioning stuff would work, but after the way I had reacted yesterday, now I'm terrified. What if they are able to trigger me to really kill Lily? How can I get word to the guys and have them stop me? "Mrs. Porter." My head popped up as Dr. Murdoch spoke. "It's time." I tried not to show my fear as I stood and followed him into the small bedroom at the back of the jet.

"Go ahead and get changed into something comfortable. We'll need to use an IV tonight to keep the dose steady. You've been given a lot of medication in the past few days so I want to make sure the dose is slow and even to avoid any side effects for you or the baby," he said. I stepped into the restroom and put on pajamas, then laid down in the bed with my arm extended for him. "Just relax, Marissa. You're advancing at an amazing rate," he smiled as he inserted the IV and began adjusting the flow. He hooked up the saline and the small bag that contained the conditioning drug, then placed the headband over my ears. After securing the earbuds, he kissed my forehead and pushed the plunger on the sleeping medication while the other continued at a steady drip. I could faintly hear garbled words as my eyes grew heavy and sleep overtook me.  

Author's Notes:  Next stop - Greece.  Did I mention I'm a fan of darkness?  Then again, if you've read my stories, you already know this...

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