Chapter 1

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Unknown female POV

My hands were pulled tight above my head, blindfold blocking out all light. I drowned out the sounds in the room, even the sounds of the dom dealing my punishment. All I felt, all I heard was the striking of the whip against my skin. That perfect mix of pleasure and pain that erases all fear, all guilt, all uncertainty. It wasn't until I felt myself being carried down the hall that I started to hear again.

"Shit, she pushed too far again," Justin's voice sounded angry. "Do you have a house doc tonight?"

"No, but I think I know a member who's here tonight that's a doctor. Hang on, I'll go get him," Rose's voice was filled with worry. I don't know why she's upset, I feel, well, I don't really feel anything.

"Hang on Jane," Justin said quietly as he stroked my hair. He hadn't removed the blindfold and I wiggled against him. When my back touched his chest, I let out a loud shriek at the fire that lit my skin.

"Hey, um, this is Doc," Rose sounded out of breath, "He had to grab his bag."

"Shit, that looks bad," the man Doc said in a deep southern drawl. "I think we should really get her to a hospital."

"No," I said, trying to push away from Justin's chest. "My room," I whined.

"Okay, Janie, just give us a minute," Justin said. "She's got a cleanroom Doc. I can take her. If you need to do anything doctor-like, you can do it there.

"Fine, but someone needs to sign a waiver. I'll be damned if I get sued because she's stubborn," he complained. I let out a small laugh at his attitude, but it was soon cut off when Justin lifted me and carried me down the hall. The high of the scene had completely worn off now and the pain was hitting hard, and so was the sub-drop. "Get her some water or Gatorade and a protein snack. Why did her dom leave her like this?"

"She doesn't have a dom," Rose replied.

"Then who the fuck was the guy on stage? I saw the whole damn scene," Doc growled.

"Um, she can explain it to you later if she wants. I don't discuss client matters with other clients," Rose said, using her cold discussion-ending tone.

"Fine," he grumbled, "Miss, this might sting. I'm going to give you a local to numb the area I need to stitch up. Do you understand?"

"Yes sir," I said faintly, then gritted my teeth as he went to work. I'd cried out earlier, but I'll be damned if I let this guy see any more weakness on my part.  

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