Chapter 2

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Sean's POV

Owen and I sat watching the punishment scene, entranced. The submissive's face was pure bliss, but then the dom miscalculated a swing and I saw the whip cut deep into her skin. She didn't even react other than moan in pleasure. The man was clearly shaken and ended the scene quickly as another man came to the stage and helped him carry the woman out. "That's going to leave a nasty scar if she doesn't get it fixed properly," I complained to him.

"Can't even take a single night off, can you?" he chuckled. He had no idea how true that statement would be when a few moments later one of the hostesses came running up to me in a panic.

"Doc, I'm so sorry to bother you on a play night, but we have an injured submissive and no house doctor on duty tonight. Could you please take a look," Rose begged me. I could only assume it was the same sub that Owen and I had just watched.

"Yeah, let me grab my bag," I said, making a quick run to the car and then following Rose down a dark hall marked 'private'.

I walked in to see the woman still deep in subspace, unaware of her injury. She lay in the arms of a man I'd seen around the club but didn't know. He was speaking quietly to her. "Shit, that looks bad, I think we should really get her to a hospital."

"No," she said, trying to push away from the man's chest. "My room."

"Okay, Janie, just give us a minute," Justin said. "She's got a cleanroom Doc. I can take her. If you need to do anything doctor-like, you can do it there.

"Fine, but someone needs to sign a waiver. I'll be damned if I get sued because she's stubborn," I complained. "Get her some water or Gatorade and a protein snack. Why did her dom leave her like this?"

"She doesn't have a dom," Rose replied.

"Then who the fuck was the guy on stage? I saw the whole damn scene," I growled.

"Um, she can explain it to you later if she wants. I don't discuss client matters with other clients," Rose said, ending the discussion.

"Fine," I grumbled, "Miss, this might sting. I'm going to give you a local to numb the area I need to stitch up. Do you understand?"

"Yes sir," she said faintly, then gritted her teeth as I went to work. I've never seen anyone, not even North, deal with pain the way this woman did. Two of the lacerations were deep enough to require multiple stitches as the skin was ragged. She barely flinched, and only grunted in pain one time. Beyond that, it was like she was getting her nails done as she lay on the plain bed.

"I'm done," I said when I placed the last bandage. "Do you have someone who can stay with you, just in case?"

Shaking her head she answered, "No, I'll just stay here for the night." I'd already come to the conclusion that she was a gold-standard member since she had her own private room. With enough money, clients could purchase their own areas for long or short-term use. Our team had a set of private rooms as well to avoid prying eyes when we wanted to entertain multiples or as a group.

I turned toward the young woman, Rose. "Is there an attendant or host that can keep an eye on her? I worry she may pull the stitches in her sleep since she won't accept pain medication."

"Um, sorry, no, but I can check on her before I leave my shift. Will that be enough?" Rose asked, looking nervous.

I frowned, "That's not going to work." Turning back to the submissive, I asked, "Miss would you object to me staying? I can sleep on the couch. I'd just feel better if I could check the stitches before you leave and give you fresh bandages."

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