Chapter 43

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Raven's POV

I choked on my coffee when Gabe brought her downstairs. I swear the man is trying to torture all of us to death. She had on a crop top sweater with little kittens on it and a short skirt with knee-high socks that also had kitten faces at the knees. Her hair was in two braids that met at the nape of her neck. The sweater hung to one side, revealing the strap of a rather delicate lacy black bra. He just grinned as he led her to her chair.

Luke brought her a Cinderella cup and grinned, "You look adorable sugar." She smiled as he gave her a quick kiss.

She gave a small smile to Sean who was sitting in Owen's lap. He blushed when she smiled and hid his face. But the minute she looked away, he sat staring at her, completely smitten. I'd noticed how drawn to her he was from the very first day. When North told me about the night in their playroom, I had to smile. It didn't surprise me that malen'kaya shalun'ya had closed herself off after Winston died. The fact that Sean had broken that wall in her, was big.

Marc came and set their plates in front of them. He'd made smiley faces with bananas on their slices of french toast. "You never give me smiley face breakfast," I teased him.

He rolled his eyes and then brought me a plate like theirs. "Happy now, you grumpy bear," he grinned.

I leaned up and captured his lips with mine, "Very happy, beautiful boy." His cheeks flushed crimson.

The Blackbourne kitchen hummed with conversation and energy as we all ate. It was nice to see a sense of normalcy again. I think they had the right idea, building a new home and leaving Charleston. The fresh start had obviously worked well for them even before they met Marissa. We were still clinging to the ghosts of our past. Kaylie's room was the same as the day she died except for the door that no longer hung in her bathroom. I'd ripped it to shreds trying to get to her.

"Bear?" Marissa's soft voice brought me out of my thoughts as she placed her hand on my wrist. "Are you okay?" I blinked and tried to nod because I couldn't speak. She frowned, and then climbed into my lap, her small hand pressing against my cheek, "Bear shouldn't lie to minx," she scolded me. She leaned forward and pressed her lips to my forehead, "It's okay, bear. I'll keep you safe, promise."

I wrapped my arms around her and sobbed. She just kept whispering that it was okay as I cried. I felt Corey's arms around my neck as he came up behind me and held both of us. Fuck, here we're supposed to be protecting her, and instead, even in little space, she's still taking care of us. When I finally managed to stop crying, she wiggled against my chest and started singing to me. Her fingers traced over the lines of my tattoos and I felt myself becoming calmer. I looked up to realize all eyes were on us.

"Raven, would you and Marissa like to join Sean and me in my office? That's where they like to color," Owen asked me. I gave him an appreciative nod and leaned back to kiss Corey.

"I'll see you when you get home, Solnechnyy svet," I told him.

"Keep an eye on our girl," he replied and kissed me again.

"Always," I chuckled, then stood and carrying her in my arms followed Owen to his office.

Sean quickly darted to the bookshelf and grabbed coloring books along with a bucket of crayons. He put them on the floor next to Marissa who grinned at him and flopped on her stomach when he sat down. Owen and I both chuckled when he leaned over and stole a quick kiss from her, then blushed furiously. Soon they were engrossed in their coloring and completely oblivious to our presence.

"He's in love with her," I said quietly, still watching them.

"Aren't we all?" Owen responded with a knowing look, "But you're right. I think he and Victor fell the fastest, but none of us stood a chance really. I'd say it was the exact same way with your team."

I laughed, "Da, she makes a home in your heart before you even know she's there. Then you can't imagine a world without her in it." I wiped the tear that fell, "Even Kaylie loved her."

"I can't imagine what your family has been through, Raven. I'm sorry we weren't there for you all," Owen said, his head bowed. "We shouldn't have abandoned our friends just because of our need to start over."

"We didn't blame you," I said. "We knew you all needed to separate from everything Academy. Honestly, we didn't make an effort either, so there is enough blame to go around, but none needed." I nodded my head toward Sean, "Does he slip often?"

"Not very, and his are short. This is the second one since we met Marissa. The first was the same night as her first slip around us. I almost think he doesn't want her to be alone through it," he smiled.

I stretched out on the couch as they continued to color and let myself drift off.

A suspicious giggle and soft fingers holding mine woke me. I looked down to see Marissa using a marker to paint my fingernails. "Malen'kaya shalun'ya, what are you doing?" I asked her as her eyes went wide and she tried to hide the marker. I looked around the room to see both Owen and Sean were missing. "Where did you get a marker?"

She shrugged and scooted backward. About that time Owen and Sean came back into the room with drinks and some cookies. Marissa started to grab one but I stopped her, "I don't think so, malen'kaya shalun'ya. You broke the rules, so no treats."

She stuck out her lip and slapped her hand on the floor, "No fair."

I took the marker from her hand and gave it to Owen, who gave her a disapproving stare as well. "Fine then choose - no cookies or a swat for each fingernail you put marker on." I held up my hand - four nails had marks.

She looked at me, then Owen, then the cookies, then at Sean who was wide-eyed as he watched us. "I think Sean and I should step out while you two make your decisions," Owen said and picked up Sean. He scowled at me and then looked back at Marissa. I think little Sean is a tad protective of little Marissa.

"Well, little one, what is your decision?" I asked her again.

"Spankings," she said quietly, "I really want LuLu's cookies." I had to fight to keep from laughing at her last comment.

I crooked my finger and patted my knees. She crawled over toward me, making me want to groan, then climbed over my lap. "Count for me," I said as I lifted her skirt and ran my hand over her barely there panties - fucking Gabe.

My hand came down on her bottom and she jolted, then squeaked, "One, sir." Oh fuck, I didn't expect that. My hand came down again, "Two, sir," she sobbed softly. I'm not sure who's really being punished more at this point. I quickly gave her the last two spankings and pulled her against me as she sniffled.

"Why did I punish you, malen'kaya shalun'ya?" I asked her.

"Because...because I put marker on your fingers, sir," she whimpered and squirmed in my lap, causing me to let out a slight groan. "Are you okay, bear?" she asked, still sniffling.

"Da, I just," I couldn't find the words as she looked up at me with those soft brown eyes. Her tongue darted across her lips and I fucking lost it. I cupped her face and crashed my mouth against hers. She made a humming sound as she returned my kiss, her arms wrapping around my neck. A knock on the door had me pulling away.

"Is it safe to come in," Owen asked.

"Da," I said, clearing my throat as she snuggled against my chest. He gave me a cheeky smile as he handed her a cookie, then me one.

"Looks like you need a cookie as well," he grinned, then said softly, "and a cold shower."  

Author's Notes:  Owen's such a cheeky boy...

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