Chapter 17

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Marissa's POV

I splashed water on my face and tried to take a few calming breaths. I leaned against the bathroom door as I listened to the nine men within the house. Their playful banter and conversation seemed so effortless and unusual to my ears. Even with Winston, silence had been common. In Texas, my household was strict - only speak when spoken to, wait on my father hand and foot, be silent when you heard or saw something you shouldn't.

My parents' unexpected visit had me on edge. While I was thankful to Silas for getting me away and letting me stay with them, I was also terrified. What if I slip? What if they figure out they've met me at Crescent? I was already feeling so conflicted about these men. For the first time since he died, I wanted, no craved another man's touch - but it wasn't just one man and it had me practically paralyzed with fear. Why did my life have to be so damn complicated?

"Hey spitfire, you alright in there?" Gabe asked, knocking lightly on the door.

I opened the door and flashed him a smile, "Yeah, just washing off the stress of the day," I said.

He held out his hand, "Well come on then, North made dinner and Luke set up some movies." I took his hand and he quickly pulled me against his chest, his voice dropping low, "I'm so glad you're here, spitfire." I could feel his breath on my face as I looked into his eyes. They were the most beautiful crystal blue I've ever seen. He leaned in and ran his tongue over my lips, eliciting a soft gasp from me. He laughed quietly, "Oh I'm going to have so much fun with you, little girl."

My eyelids fluttered and I felt myself trying to slip - fuck. "Yes, Daddy," I whispered softly and he growled, then pulled me down the stairs, still dazed.

North eyed me curiously as he placed a plate in front of me. "You okay, Ris?" I smiled at the nickname and nodded. I picked up my fork and took a bite of the fish and rice before me, letting out a soft moan as it hit my tongue. "Well, I guess I rank with Lucian now, since I gave you a foodgasm," North chuckled and my cheeks heated. Several more good-natured comments were made and I finally had to admit that Kota and Nate were no longer in the doghouse.

Once dinner was finished, we all settled into the family room and watched movies. Luke had quite an odd assortment selected. He explained that it was diverse to suit all of their likes. Nate was a horror fan, while Kota enjoyed sci-fi and fantasy, Sean was a closet anime fan and North liked romance movies (he vehemently denied this but I noticed he quoted lines when we watched the Notebook). "So what's your favorite genre, sugar?" he asked as the second show ended.

"Well, it depends on my mood really. I like musicals, especially cartoons because they often have better musical scores than live-action films. But if I had to choose a favorite film it would be Ever After. It's a Cinderella story, but one where she saves herself." I answered.

North chuckled, "Shoe obsessed and loves a Cinderella movie - yeah that fits." I stuck my tongue out and giggled, then launched a pillow at him. He growled playfully and tickled my sides making me squeal. "Beg for mercy, little girl," he chuckled as I squirmed.

I gasped for breath, "Pwe... Please, mercy." Fuck. If they caught it, no one openly showed it. I calmed my breathing and straightened a bit, then feigned a yawn. "I think I've had all the excitement I can handle, gentlemen. Good night."

They groaned but said their good nights as well and I quickly escaped to the guest bedroom I'd be occupying for a couple of days. I flipped the lock and dug through my bags to find my comfort items. I only hoped it would pass by morning. After brushing my teeth and putting my hair up in pigtails, I grabbed out my stuffie and pacifier, then turned the lights down. I snuggled into the blankets and started singing mine and Winnie's song softly.

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