me: its really beauiful aang

aang: i might win after all.... but before it use to be full of lemers and bison and munks... now its a bunch of leaves on trees.

i place a hand on his sholder, then he places his and on mine.

aang: lets keep going.

katara: whos that.

aang: thats munk geyatso, he taught me everything i know.

he bowed at the statue. all of a sudden i felt strange and next thing i know i see aang and a man that looked like the geyatso statue... must me him.

how did i get here, i have no clue. but i find it cool im 'living' a moment 100 years ago. looks like it would of been cool here. geyatso seems fun. im dying right now cuz he and aang pulled a prank on the other munks. man i want to taste one they seem delicious his cakes or pies.

i then have a strange feeling again and im back to my world. all i know is that i felt tired like i had energy drained from me and i fall.

gang: ___!

aang helps me up. my back is facing his chest. one of his hands is around my waiste and the other is on my sholder. is it me or is it hot in here.

aang: are you ok n/n

me: yeah yeah, im im fine. just a strange energy drain thats all. no big.

sokka: you fall to the floor and say no big. well to me its a big big.

i role my eyes.

me: aang shouldnt you be going to the airtemple senctuary.

aang: yeah i was just about to... wait how'd you know about that.

im back on my feet.

i just look down.

katara: is there something your not telling us.

aang: ___? n/n? he looks concerned

me: would you find it weird or believe me if i told you as soon as you bowed to munk geyatso i was transprted to a memory of yours where he was making some cake or pie and you were wondering if the munks made a mistake about you being avatar him saying the only mistake was telling you before 16. he told you when your ready someone will be ready to see you in the senctuary. then you and him airbend the cakes on the other munks.

sokka: there is no way-

aang: how-how is it possible you saw that.

me: ok so it really happened... wow... what are we waiting for. we have a senctuary to go to.

katara: so... how do we get it, wheres the key.

aang: the-

me: well actually the key is... airbending

yes, im back

aang: yes your back, the first girl i first saw in 100 years is back to herself the day i saw her

i couldnt help but feel heat rising.... oh gawd im blushing... oh sweat agni.

me: well what are you waiting for... open it

katara: how are you even sure that person is still in there... or alive

aang/i: well i/he survived 100 years in ice, why not

katara: good point.

aang: hello? anybody here?

me: wow, look at all these statues.

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