Until We Meet Again

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"Until we meet again. We think about you always. We talk about you still, you have never been forgotten and you will never. We hold you close in our hearts and you will remain to walk and guide us through our lives. Until we meet again"

*It was the day of the funeral. Taylor rolled over and wrapped her arm around Eric. He opened his eyes, caressed her face and she shed a tear. It was a day she didn't want to think about. A day she didn't want to happen, a day where she had to say goodbye to one person who kept her strong.

Taylor, her sisters and their brother didn't know how life worked with their mom not around. Who to cry too and run too, how to stand on their own two feet. How to go on and not ever say mom. Klaus was a mess and no one knew where Silas was. He ran like any good coward would. Eric and his contacts hadn't heard or seen anything*

Eric: After graduation. We can leave. Everything is ready and taken care of.

Taylor: Still not going to tell me?

Eric: Not that you'll care. So Cabo...*Taylor smiled big and giggled. It made Eric smile that he could make her smile*

Taylor: You remembered.

Eric: Of course lover. Come. Stefan just pulled up...*Taylor sighed. Once she put her feet on the ground, it would feel real that her mother would be in the ground by this afternoon. Eric kissed her forehead and held her hand. So she sat up, put her feet on the ground and cried as a wave came over her. She just broke down and Eric walked to her, he held her tightly*...Taylor, I am truly sorry.

Taylor: She...My mom...*She eventually got herself together and showered. She put on her black jumpsuit. Eric put on his black suit, followed by his daylight ring. Taylor curled her hair and only put on mascara. They walked into the kitchen*

Kelly: Sister. You look beautiful.

John: Ready?...*Taylor looked at Stefan and they hugged*

Stefan: Whatever you need...*He kissed her forehead and they left. Taylor held Eric's hand the whole way there. When they pulled up...Taylor saw her friends, her dad, Damon and Elena, Bonnie. Taylor gasped*

Eric: Love?

Taylor: Eric. I can't do this...*She saw the casket and Eric felt her fear*

Eric: Yes. Yes you can.

Taylor: No. NO...*He sighed and held her hand*...She's dead!

Eric: Breathe...*They got out of the car and she couldn't help but cry. Eric kissed her head*

Taylor: Do I have to sit up front?

Kelly: Sister. You sit wherever. We can sit together. Taylor. Please know...I am so sorry...*Taylor smiled*

Taylor: It doesn't matter anymore sister...*They hugged and sat with Taylor in the back. Stefan sat next to her and held her hand while Eric stood behind her. He was watching and making sure nothing kicked off. He knew Silas killed Amber and he wasn't going to let him take this away from her son and daughters. Klaus sat next to his daughters*

Daniels: Would anyone like to speak first?

Damon: I uh. I will...Amber was the dream mom. Filled love and only love. She loved you four with all her heart. She kept her children safe. That's all she ever wanted...*John broke down and Kelly held his hand*...Amber, you won't ever be forgotten and that is a promise....*John cleared his throat and walked up. He touched the casket and closed his eyes. He cleared his throat again and looked out to his family and friends that were there*

A Vampire Life | Book 1Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant