Chapter 4

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What do you think Taylor is? You'll find out eventually. Just hang on and keep your fangs in your mouth. Warning for this episode. It gets a little dark. This is not based on true events. Without further ado chapter 4. I am thinking about naming chapter's after quotes from within the chapter's? Also remember. I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THE CHARACTERS. Enjoy!

*It had been a couple weeks. Eric has been teaching Taylor Swedish. The more she got right, the more sex she got. She didn't think much about it. It was just sex and she was okay with it. A part of her wanted more from him.

How could she get what she wanted? He is a hot vampire and any woman would throw themselves at him. She just kept those thoughts out the way. She didn't want to get herself worked up. Pam had texted Taylor a couple weeks ago in Swedish, saying that they were going out of town for a little while and the bar would be closed.

They were coming back tonight and to come if she wanted. Taylor was meeting friends after school to hang out. Her ex fuck buddy. Joe, he had been texting her. She kept blowing him off. He was hot, creepy hot but not in a bad way.

He had blonde curly hair, had a nice smile. Was super nice. Super smart. Thin build with muscles. He met Taylor through a friend at a party. He had missed some school on and off. Taylor and Joe were off and on before her and Archie. He got weird. So she called it off. She was looking at Pam's message again. Hoping everything was okay. Joe looked over her shoulder*

Joe: Hey there...*Taylor jumped and grabber her chest*

Taylor: Gessh Joe!

Joe: Sorry. Uh, your friend Pam? Eric? They okay?...*She looked at her phone, locked it and then made eye contact with Joe*...I'm part Swedish, remember?

Taylor: Right. Right. Sorry.

Joe: Eric?...*Taylor glared at him. She goes to walk around him. Her body told her to run. She got a bad feeling and her blood ran cold. Joe stepped in front of her*

Taylor: Joe. I'm late.

Joe: We made plans a couple of weeks ago!?

Taylor: I was with Trish, Joe!

Joe: And at night?...*She stared at him*...Eric? You blew me off!..*He slapped her and she grabbed her face*

Taylor: The hell is wrong with you!...*Her body kept telling her to run. She moved around him again. He sighed in annoyance and held a knife to her neck. Taylor gasped in her fear. Of course Eric felt her. He was still too far away. Also, it was daylight outside. With two more hours of it left*

Joe: You scream and I will kill you. Walk!...*Her heart dropped. She walked. He grabbed her by the back of the neck and made her keep walking. He got into his car*

Taylor: Where are you taking me!?

Joe: A secret spot...*All she could think about was Eric and how safe she would be with him right now. They pulled up to this abandoned house. Taylor felt fear again*

Taylor: Joe. Where are we!?

Joe: Come on. It'll be so fun, promise...*He walked her inside to the bedroom with his hand still on the back of her neck*...Want anything?

Taylor: Water...*He walked off and she checked the windows in the room*...Fuck. This is not happening! This is not fucking happen...*She paced back and forth. How the fuck was she gonna get out of this? She tried again. She had to. He walked back*

Joe: Hot?...*Taylor turned around*..Or were you trying to leave!...*She took a step back. He grabbed her throat, choking her*

Taylor: JOE!...*She scratched at his hands. Gasping for air. He let go. She dropped to the floor. Crying, trying to catch her breath*

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