You Deserve The World

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*It was that time of the month and Taylor felt the anger come back. She sighed as it caused her head to ache. She changed and made herself a protein shake. Got Kelly's keys and walked to the car. Taylor felt like someone was watching her.

She looked around before she got in the car. She saw nothing, no one was around. Only there was. Eric was watching and he hated what she had on. Black sports bra and black shorts. He hated how men would look at her or hear the things people would say. He hated how she dressed most of the time. Taylor thought she was expressing herself but Eric wanted her all to himself.*

Taylor: Hello?

Kelly: Trish and Ash just got here. Ash and Matt got in a fight.

Taylor: They didn't text me saying they were going to the party.

Kelly: Well come anyway.

Taylor: Not home.

Kelly: Eric?

Taylor: Gym.

Kelly: How serious is it with him?...*Taylor sighed as she pulled into the parking lot. The anger was taking over, she just tried to stay calm and hope to end the phone call soon. Eric watched*

Taylor: I don't know Kels...

Kelly: Do you love him?

Taylor: Kelly?...*Taylor heard the party music fade*

Kelly: Sorry, it's loud in there. I just. Taylor, I haven't ever seen you like this with anyone...

Taylor: It's just sex Kelly...

Kelly: Be honest.

Taylor: Why?

Kelly: Because he makes you happy...*Taylor could tell Kelly was drunk*

Taylor: I. I have feelings for him, yes. He just. I don't expect him to stop sleeping around or whatever vampires do.

Kelly: You say that about all your fuck buddies. This is different...*Taylor felt the anger come back again and it was to much*

Taylor: Kelly, what the hell is this!? What do you want me to say!

Kelly: I want you to say that you love him!

Taylor: I don't!

Kelly: Lair!...*Taylor put her hair up in a ponytail*

Taylor: Alright. I am hanging up now...

Kelly: Wait.

Taylor: Kelly! What! Honestly. The hell do you want from me!

Kelly: I want you to stay that you love him! I want you to say that you care about him and can't lose him! You always push people away. You did it with Archie and Roman!

Taylor: Stop!

Kelly: You love Eric. I want my sister to be happy for once in her damn life. I do not like it or what he is but I care about you and your happiness sister. I don't know why it's hard to let someone love you!...*Taylor sighed*

Taylor: Even if that person can kill me?

Kelly: Are...Are you afraid of him? Humans can kill too, you know..*Eric nodded at Kelly's answer*

Taylor: No. He makes me happy, makes me feel safe. Eric makes me feel good. Happy now sister...*Kelly smiled*

Kelly: Close enough...*Taylor rolled her eyes*

Taylor: Now go back inside. I don't need anything happening to you...

Kelly: Come.

Taylor: I'll think about it..

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