We Will Have Lifetimes Together

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*Taylor groaned off and on throughout the night as she felt the venom run through her body. She had never sweated so much in her life, felt pain like this, feeling herself slowly but surely dying. Amber would bring Taylor blood every now and then throughout the day to help with Taylor's thirst but nothing was working. Taylor was just so thirsty.

Eric never called or texted her last night. She tried to get as much sleep as she could but her body hurt too much for her to even get comfortable. Amber was hoping Klaus would get here in time to save her but Amber knew Taylor was running out of time. She hoped that they were ahead of time but nine times out ten, time was winning and Amber feared it. Eve walked in with some blood for Taylor*

Eve: Hey. Sister...*Taylor didn't move or answer*...Sister?

Taylor: Hmmm?

Eve: I have blood for you. Are you hungry?...*Taylor nodded and Eve held the straw to Taylor's mouth so she could sip the blood. Eric and Klaus pulled up at the same time*

Eric: You?

Klaus: Mate.

Eric: You know why her body is changing?...*Klaus shook his head, yes and pointed to his ears*...Later...*Klaus nodded and they walked in together*

Pam: Eric!...*Taylor heard and saw him walk in*

Tara: You can come inside.

Bill: Something about the air doesn't feel right...*Tara and Bill looked around*

Taylor: Eric?...*She smiled seeing her beautiful viking*

Eric: Lover...*He climbed in bed and pulled her close. Taylor groaned in pain*

Taylor: I just wanted you here. Eric, it hurts.

Eric: I know baby.

Klaus: May I?

Taylor: Klaus? From New Orleans?...*Klaus nodded and smiled*

Klaus: I need you to drink for me love...*Eric grabbed his wrist*

Eric: The hell do you think you are doing?

Amber: When nature made a balance to Klaus...He. He can heal wolf bites...*Eric looked at Taylor and Taylor looked at him*

Eric: With her body still being part of me and part? How do you know it will not kill her?

Eve: Eric, we have to try.

Taylor: It's okay babe...

*Klaus bit his wrist, pulled his daughter close and healed her

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*Klaus bit his wrist, pulled his daughter close and healed her. It made Amber tear up, only if the girls knew about him. Klaus rubbed her head as Taylor fed from him. Eric saw the wolf bites heal and it amazed him*

Pam: We are all fucking weird...*She rolled her eyes*

Taylor: Thank you.

Klaus: You are welcome. We will give you two a minute...*They walked out and Taylor cuddled back to Eric.

A Vampire Life | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now