New vampires

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"I should have never let them out of my sight!" Y/n said running around in the woods trying to find her sons. A scream could be heard and everyone stopped in their tracks. "... let's go!" Y/n called out and Marcellus transformed into a bat and grabbed onto her shirt and pulled her into the air. "Kids we're coming!" Marcellus called out as he and Dracula started to fly around.

They continued to search but suddenly Marcellus stopped and gasped. Y/n also looked a bit surprised at the scene. "Denis got his fangs..but where is Travis?" Y/n looked around a bit to see Travis besides Winny, they were watching as Denis was taking on the ghoul.

"Marcellus drop me," Y/n said and he looked at her a bit confused "what? No! Love you'll break your leg or-" Y/n glared at him and he froze "drop. me. now" she said once again. He hesitated but dropped her.

She landed on her feet and they were obviously hurting really bad but she didn't care as she limped her way to Travis and Winny. "Kids!" She said hugging the two "Mommy do you see Denis? He's beating up that monster!" Travis said excitement present in his voice. "Yeah mommy sees baby," she said kissing his forehead.

"Mommy!" Denis flew to them and detransformed "Denis! Baby, you did amazing" Y/n called out bringing him into a hug. "But don't you three ever scare us like that again," she said sternly and brought the three into a hug.

"Kids!" Marcellus and Dracula called out running towards them, somehow everyone showed up and started to congratulate Denis or ask if they were okay.

"There's his mean's friends!" Denis suddenly said. He transformed and flew away from the group "..oh this will be fun" Dracula said and he and Marcellus transformed into a bat and flew away to go help Denis fight.

"Y/n? Kids? Oh! There you all are" Dal and his family, and Johnny's family began running towards them. "Where's? Denis?" Dal asked and Travis pointed to the bats fighting the monsters. "He got his vamp powers?" Esther said in a bit confused but amazed tone.

Frank let out a growl, Murray ran toward the monsters, and Wayne let out a howl.

"Well, why are we just standing here? Let's go fight!" Leo called out picking a huge rock and running towards the monsters fight. "Well, you heard the man! Let's fight!" They all ran towards the ghouls but Y/n stayed near Travis in case the ghouls tried to get him.

A few seconds later the ghouls flew away, Y/n was leaning on Marcellus "told you, you would have gotten hurt" He said but she groaned "don't care, as long as my kids are okay" he chuckled and kissed her forehead.

Johnny suddenly leaped out of nowhere but paused seeing the ghouls flying away "yeah! You better run away!" He called out, Marcellus rolled his eyes. Denis detransformed "Papa Drac! I'm a vampire now and a superhero, am I cool now?" Dracula smiled and held Denis. "Denis you were always cool" He smiled at him.

"Since I'm a vampire can we stay now?" Denis looked at his parents for approval, they both looked at Travis and he nodded. "Yes," Marcellus and Y/n said in unison. Everyone rejoiced to hear the news.

"We'll visit every holiday," Leo said and every family nodded to this idea. Denis was out of Dracula's arms and was now being licked by Winny.

"AHHHHHH!" Y/n cried out, everyone turned to her to see a stake piercing her body. "Y/N!" Marcellus yelled running towards her and catching her from falling. "Mommy!" Both the twins yelled running to their mother.

"Love? Y/n? Come on don't leave me!" Marcellus cried out holding his wife in his arms in a protective manner, tears falling out of his eyes.

"..I was too late.." Vlad said holding the ghoul in place "...Mommy?" Travis said, his baby teeth transforming into fangs and he glared at the ghoul. "How dare you hurt my mommy!" Travis's eyes turned red, he grabbed the ghoul and threw him into the air.

Travis flew up into the air and punched the ghoul back down into the ground. As Travis kept punching the ghoul more tears continued to fall out, he stopped punching the monster and looked back at Y/n. He let out a cry and flew towards his mom.

"..mommy wake up.." Travis said, Denis, hugged his brother as they both cried in each other's arms. Johnny went to the twins and brought them into a hug, the three all crying together.

Dal watched his daughter's figure lying there with no signs of moving, he cried remembering their memories together.

Marcellus watched his wife and frowned "..No w-we can still save her! We just got to get her some help!" Marcellus cried out looking at his father for help. Dracula nodded and grabbed Y/n. "..please bring her back to us safe dad," Marcellus said tears falling out more with every word.

Denis and Travis left Johnny and went towards their father "..Papa.." Denis said hugging him even tighter. Marcellus lets out a few silent cries as he hugged his sons.

Dracula frowned at the sight and went away with Y/n 


AUTHORS NOTE: hope you all enjoyed ☃︎

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