The Birthday party

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"rise and shine Traviscula" Dracula said a bit annoyed that Travis still wasn't waking up. "" Dracula sighed and did a hand movement making the covers on Travis disappear.

"no..." Travis said sadly as he was looking at Dracula with tiredness in his eyes. "Travis! Papa is gonna dance!" Denis said excitedly as he helped his twin down. Travis just sighed but jumped in surprise as he heard sudden music coming from the room. 

He frowned and exited the room and walked to his parents room. He opened the door and walked to his mothers side of the bed. He shook her shoulder gently. "mh?" Y/n said. 

"Travis? Did you get another nightmare sweetie?" She said picking up Travis and laying him in the middle of the bed. He shook his head and started to hug his mom. 

Travis had always come in their room, he said it was because of the nightmares he had but this time it was different, he wasn't crying. He seemed more annoyed than anything. 

"...grandpa...Denis...loud" he mumbled at the same time he was making himself comfortable. "oh? I'm sorry sweetie, me and dad will put a stop to those loud noises okay?" He yawned but afterwards nodded. 

" you mommy" he said drifting off to sleep. Y/n chuckled and kissed his forehead. Marcellus suddenly got out of bed and sighed as he walked out of the room.

A few minutes later:

Y/n was rubbing Travis's back in a comforting motion as she waited for her husband to come back. "Done" Marcellus said once entering back into the room after putting a stop to the two. "New record?" She asked playfully but he nodded and her smile fell.

 " many times has this happened?" He sighed and laid down on the bed. "Too many to count" She frowned and looked down at Travis. "...he's already having nightmares, he doesn't need these loud nosies keeping him for his sleep." 

" this a bad time to tell you about the wolf pup's birthday?" Marcellus said sheepish.

dead silent

"...what time is it?" Y/n asked and Marcellus sat up and looked her in the eyes. "in a few hours" she frowned "what? but the twins-" "honey I know thought it would be a good idea" he interrupted. He grabbed her hand and rubbed them in a loving manner. "we wont stay for long, I promise" They locked eyes and kept eye contact before they heard Travis yawing. 

"did we wake you?"Marcellus asked and Travis shook his head "I'm not tired" he simply responded. 

"are you too tired for the pups birthday party?" Marcellus asked in a playfully manner as he poked Travis side. "Yes" he responded. 

A few minutes later:

"Denis stop running" Y/n told him once more grabbing his hand not wanting to lose him on the way to the party. "But mommy-" "no Denis, I don't want either of my babies getting lost or hurt. " She simply responded and held onto the twins's hands in a protective manner. 

"is that the party?" Denis said pointing to place with a banner with the title of happy birthday on it. "No" Travis said and Dennis looked at him confused "it isn't?" Travis hummed "no" Travis said once again as Dennis didn't catch on to his obvious lie. 

"weird.." Marcellus sighed and ruffled Denis hair. "You've been spending too much time with Johnny"  Y/n looked at him offended "thats my best friend you're talking about there." She said with an obvious annoyed tone. 

They continued to walk until they reached the party and they were greeted by Johnny. 

"Y/n!" Johnny called as he ran up to the family and gave her a hug. " You all actually came?" Johnny said going to hug the twins. "Uncle Johnny!" Travis said excitedly getting to hug Johnny. 

 Johnny went to hug Marcellus but Marcellus froze him and moved out of the way, he soon unfroze him and Johnny ended up almost falling while hugging the air. "He froze me didn't he?" Johnny asked Y/n and she nodded.

Suddenly the twins were snatched from Y/n's grasps, "Denisovich, Traviscula my big boys you made it!" He said starting to twirl around with them. The two let out a laugh as Dracula twirled around with them. 

"I've thought about what you said dad, maybe I was a bit too overprotective" Marcellus said looking at his father with a smile on his face. "Thank you-" Denis suddenly flown out of Dracula's grasp as Winny tackled him. 

Travis gasped and motioned for Dracula to put him down. He quickly went over to Y/n who picked him up and the two watched as Winny was talking to Denis about him being her zing. 

Wanda mom suddenly sprayed her and she quickly got out off of Denis and he let out a laugh as she ran off. "Winny you get off of him." Wanda the werewolf pups mother said. 

Marcellus let out a laugh. "Its fine Wanda, they were just playing-holy rabies! Y/n look!" He pointed to a fire lit limbo and Y/n looked at him confused. "I used to love that game" he said excited.

"used to? Honey you sound like you still love it" Y/n smiled and Dracula nodded "exactly so go show them how its done" Dracula smiled but Marcellus shook his head "but- I'm a parent now" Y/n raised an eyebrow "and?" Johnny laughed and pushed Marcellus towards the fire limbo. "Go on Marcellus show us what you got!" he smiled. 

Marcellus went to the fire limbo and Denis who was already next to the limbo looked at his father confused "Dad?" Marcellus smiled and went LOW under the fire limbo. Denis let out a surprised yell and went to hug Marcellus. "That was so cool!" he said quickly as a huge smile was on his face. 

Marcellus smiled and once Denis let go, Marcellus quickly went to the next obstacle. The piñata. "No way a piñata!" he smiled and turned into a bat and flew to the piñata and started to hit it. 

 "Marcellus, honey. That's for later. We don't want the pups to have to much-" Marcellus didn't seem to hear her as he continued to hit the piñata until it broke. The wolf pups notice this and quickly ran to the candy. "sugar...." she continued but an annoyed expression was now on her face.

The pups ate the sugar and quickly went to the bouncy house. All the previous monsters who were inside got out as the pups continued to destroy the bouncy house. Marcellus flew over to the group. "I'm sorry, did I start all that?" he pointed to the chaotic pups. "don't worry theres a reason they call it a liter" Wayne said as he shrugged.

"DENIS!" Y/n yelled out as Denis somehow flew out of the pile of running wolfs and hit his face on his ground.  Y/n ran with Travis in her arms while Marcellus turned into a bat and flew right to him. 

Y/n placed Travis besides her as she picked Denis up, Marcellus detransformed and started to check for injuries. "Look mommy I've got a candy!" Denis said holding up a candy but Y/n didn't seem to hear him as she noticed something "your tooth came out..." Y/n said as she looked at her sons now missing tooth. 

"Are you kidding me? He's got his tooth knocked out?" Marcellus said as he began to check but didn't get the chance to as Dracula already took Denis away from them. "OH yes! here come the fangs!" Dracula said a bit too excited. 

"Drac..." Y/n said as she got up and took Denis away from him, "baby does anywhere hurt?" Denis shook his head and Y/n sighed in relief. 

"sweetie come here" Y/n held her hand out for Travis who was right behind Denis. He grabbed her hand and Y/n proceed to grab Denis's hand and squeezed them both reassuringly. She kissed them both on the forehead.

Marcellus walked up to his family and placed his hands on her shoulders. "...I think it's time to leave" He spoke and the family left. 

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