Birthdays Troubles

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AUTHORS NOTE: Thank you all for reading this book, I hope you have enjoyed it and continue to enjoy it as time moves forward. Happy New Years! I know I'm late but I hope this year brings us all joy. Happy 2023.  

On Y/n's left was her Leo and Gabriel and on her right was Travis, Denis, and Marcellus.  Dal's family was across them, Esther was on Dal's right and Sora was on his left. 

"The night brings Y/n's family here. To take away all that Drac holds dear. Hide your feelings keep them all inside" A pianist sang and everyone looked at him in confusion as once he hit the last note.

Zombie waiters came inside and one placed a dead fish on the table. 

The room was silent that you could drop a pen and it would be the loudest thing in there. "Uh toast?" Esther said raising her glass, "Toast to our grandson's fifth birthday's" Leo smiled at them. "isn't it nice to have the whole family together?" Leo said and looked at Marcellus "do you any cousins or relatives?" Marcellus shook his head "nope its just been me and Dad" 

Leo hummed and took a sip of his drink "I mean I did have a mother but she was killed by angry humans" Leo chocked on his drink and the whole table went silent. "Awkward" the pianist sang and Marcellus glared at him. 

"but there is my Grandfather Vlad" Marcellus added "you have a grandfather?" Dal asked while air-planing his son Sora. "Yeah. He'll be at the party. I invited him" Dracula who was drinking his drink spit it on Leo who groaned and Gabriel handed him another napkin. 

"you invited him?" Dracula said once more "Dad, he's never seen the twins. I wanted to invite him before we leave." Marcellus said "At least one of you wants them to met their grandfathers" Leo said glancing at Y/n who rolled her eyes at his statement, "very funny Leo, you should be a comedian instead" She said sarcastically. 

Dracula just had a blank stare on his face "Dracula? You okay?" Y/n asked and she waved a hand in front of his face, he started to blink and had a huge smile on his face. "Sure. Peachy. Great old Vylad!" He said. 

The door suddenly swung open and they all looked at the now broken door and saw Johnny and his parents and a few of his cousins. "My family's here!" Johnny said smiling while walking to his seat.

 "Y/n how are you dear?" Johnny's mother Linda asked. "I've been doing good. How is everyone?" "Just peachy dear" Linda smiled and looked at the twins. "Hello Denis, Travis" she smiled warmly at them "hi grandma Linda!" Denis said grabbing a piece of his fish that Y/n cut for him. "Hi Grandma!" Travis said before going back to drinking his juice. 

"Its good to see you both again" Leo said and Linda laughed "yes we haven't seen each other quite as often after Johnny and Y/n started to travel" Leo nodded. 

"Y/n, could you pass me the juice carton?" Johnny said the carton was right next to her. Y/n  handed Johnny the carton. The twos' hands touched sightly, both unbothered by this fact. "Thanks Y/n" Johnny smiled and opened the lid to serve his parents.

"Dad? can I have some?" Denis said and the carton had a blue mist to it and floated its way to Denis and next to Travis.  "Aw..." Johnny said looking at his cup that still didn't have any juice inside it. 

"So more about the party, does it have a theme or?" Esther asked and Dracula grabbed Y/n and Johnnys' arms. "Johnny, Y/n and I have planned a big masquerade party" Dracula smiled nervously. Y/n and Johnny looked at each other confused "Dracula what are-" Dracula stuffed some fish into the two's mouth and froze everyone excluding the three. 

"ugh.." Y/n said spitting out the fish in her mouth. "You two play along. It's my dad." Dracula gave them a stern look. "you have a dad?" Johnny said and Dracula ignored him and instead glared at the two "Listen to me. My dad cannot know you're human. Or anyone in you're families" 

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