All my stuff was falling on the floor as I searched hurriedly through my locker. The small bottle I'd spent 5 minutes looking for was perched on the top shelf with some papers covering it. I took a small pill and washed it down with some Cola. I rubbed my temples as if it would make my brain function better.

I'm crazy. My thoughts were all over the place and all jumbled up in my mind. Its scary how fast my feelings change. One second I feel like i'm in love with Khadijah and the next all I wanna do is hit her. An example is when we were in the cafe.

Its so confusing. I like Khadijah, I really do. She's nice and smells good and I like being around her. She just doesn't fit in with anyone. Shes not even friends with all the other losers, she's a complete loner. I wish she was different.

We should just break up. Were not gonna work out, anyway. I'm not good enough for her. She needs a guy whos gonna treat her right. Not a fuckboy who will play with her feelings for a bet. I'll just keep ignoring Khadijah. After we break up, she can find someone better than me.
Khadijahs POV

I crossed my arms across my chest to create some warmth. It didn't really help but whatever. It feels like i've been standing here forever! Where is Chris? He picks up every school day at the same time. I don't know why today he wouldn't.

"Hey, do you know what time it is?" I inquired a girl who turned out to be Ashley from my math class.

She pulled out her phone. "Its 3:03."

"Okay, thank you."

I've been standing here for 23 minutes! If there was ever a time that I needed my phone, it was now.

I trudged all the way to my house. But then I remembered I had "tutoring." Should I just tell grandma it got cancelled? But then she'll wonder why it took my so long to get home. I spun around and began walking away from my house. There was a small café just a few blocks up, I'll go there.

The warm air felt so good around cold body. I walked to the small counter and ordered a hot chocolate. There weren't too many customers so I sat in a soft booth, drinking my order and doing homework.

"Hey Khadijah," A voice said. I looked up to see that the voice belonged to Micheal.

"Oh, hey Micheal. . ." I trailed off because I saw a little boy holding Micheals hand.

"My nephew," Micheal announced.

"Hi, cutie. Whats your name?" I asked the little boy.

"King!" He squeaked.

"Aw, he's adorable," I cooed. Toddlers are annoying but they're so cute.

"Can we sit down?" Micheal pointed at the seat across from me.

"Oh yeah, sure."

"I come here a lot, but I've never seen you here."

"Um, yeah this is the first time I've came here. Chris forgot to pick me up and thats how I found it," I took a pause and then started talking again. "I think you were right."

"About?" Micheal questioned, raising an eyebrown.

"About Chris."

"King, go look at the fishies. I think they got some new ones," Micheal said to King. He ran over to the fish bowl, excited.

"What happened?" Micheal asked.

"We had sex yesterday. And he's ignoring me," I revealed.

"Is he really ignoring you or are you being dramatic?"

"He's really ignoring me. Ever since we did it, everytime I try to talk to him I get 2 word answers. And this morning he convientally couldn't pick me up. So, I asked him if something was wrong and he snapped on me for literally no reason. We drive together every day and today he left me outside, freezing in the cold," I explained.

"I'm sorry."

I shrugged my shoulders. "Not really your fault."

"So, what you gonna do?"

"I know I should break up with him. But I gave him my virginity, I don't want us to be over just like that," I cried.

"You shouldn't force a relationship," Micheal said.

I looked down sadly. "Yeah, you're right."
"Grandma?" I called out.

"In the room," she answered.

I went in there to see her folding clothes. "I have a question," I announced.


"Can I have my phone back? Please! I swear I'll behave better," I pleaded.

She sighed and handed it to me.

"Yes! I love you," I shouted, kissing her cheek.

The first thing I did was text Chris.

Wtf, did you forget about me? -Khadijah, 3:51 pm

I got no reply so I texted him again.

Hello . . .-Khadijah, 3:57 pm

Still nothing. I typed I hate you but instead of clicking send I deleted the words. To be honest, I hate myself.
I'm so goddamn stupid. I really thought that his feelings were sincere. I'm crazy to have believed that a guy like Chris would like me.

We need to talk. -Khadijah, 4:00 pm
In person -Khadijah 4:00 pm

I'm on a role with all these chapters! I feel very inspired to write for some reason lol. Anyways, thank you for reading!

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