PART 8 - ( Their Conditions..)

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" what maa will be doing? How is she? How is she leaving alone? No one is there whom I can ask about her. Dugga maa, please be with my maa..take care of her health..protect her from every pain and suffering.. Protect her dugga maa..." prayed she and went back to her seat..

In culcutta,

Meenakshi is working in kitchen when heard a voice from window.. She looks there but no one is there.. She after a minute again heard a voice and this time went there and saw naitik ( same men who helped meenakshi..)..

" beta naitik you here??? What are you doing here at this time? " asked she scared at the thought of someone saw them then he too will gone along with her..

" kaki maa. I am here to give you information of baudi. " said naitik which literally brought tearful smile on her face..

" what information beta.. How is my bahu? She is fine na? Her new in-laws don't create problem na? " asked she many questions in one breathe which made her cough badly..

" kaki maa first relax and take a breathe ( she takes a long breathe relaxing her). Now listen, eveybody there is nice with her.. She has even started going court again.. And I think no one has problem with baudi's work there.." said naitik while meenakshi prayed to dugga maa to be with her daughter like this only while he continued - and you know what kaki maa? Baudi's new husband is a also a barrister and that too great barrister..

Meenakshi said sadly - barrister? Just like my son .. But I am happy that this time too she gets someone who can understand her.. May be accompany her also in her resolution..

Naitik - may be..

"but thank you beta.. You did alot for me.. I will always be indepted to you.. " said she joining her hands but he hold her hands puting on his head..

" what are you saying kaki maa.. Do mother thanks their children?? ( she nodded in no) no na?? Then why you are saying like this.. You know how much I respect and love you.. I had never seen my real mother but you give me love like a mother.. And shubham dada and bondita baudi too helped me in my bad days then how am I not going to help my baudi? So from next time don't make me feel outsider by thanking me." said he asking to give him blessing only... She cried and feels Shubham in him while he too looked at her with concern..

" and also kaki maa, why don't you go away from here? Why are you living in this hell? Why don't you ask baudi for help? Why kaki maa? " asked he as he knows how everyone in this house is making her life hell..

" no beta.. I am bound to live with this and I don't want bondita to take tension for me.. She should remain happy not sad.. God gave her a chance to once again live. That's why I don't want anyone from this family to disturb her life.. "

" then ask help from your jamai na.. Sakshi didi will help you definitely.. I know.. Live with them maa."

" no no no naitik. It's a sin to live in the house of your jamai and beti.. I am not doing this.. "

" ok but can't you come with me.. I am neither your bahu nor your jamai..i am your son na then come na. I will not tell anyone just run away and come with me. I will arrange everything for you kaki maa where I work.. And you know na I work in outside area of tulsipur only then you may see baudi also. Just think once kaki maa" requested he in hope that may be this time she agree..

" no. I will not go anywhere.. This is what my life is now and I am bound to live like this only. So don't spoil your life for me.. Even if one person also gets to know about this then you too will get punished.. And I don't want anything to happen with my second son also.. And swear on me dont u dare to tell anyone about my condition also.. " ordered she while he nodded in yes reluctantly..

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