PART 21- (Distress RC's.)

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In RC Haveli,

Whole RC haveli which was yesterday enjoying and looking happy is now looking lifeless. Nobody is in state to ask, talk, do something and about sleep then it is far away from their eyes. It seem tears has taken place of sleep. All RC's, they are sitting in their room all immersed in their thoughts from antika's b'day to bondita's breakdown.
Everything was going good in their life, then what happened that their happiness didn't even last? It seem their happines got someone's evil eyes that in a day only many things happened that took their everything.

Som and vaishnavi's room.

" som ji, why all these happened? Everything was going good then why? " asked she while crying.

" vaishnavi please stop crying. You are continuously crying from last 4 hrs. You will deteriorate your health. " replied he while hugging her.

" I am fine som ji but say na why always us only suffer? Why? "

" I don't know why our family only? But this time it's because of us only. " said somnath while thinking something.

" means? "

" means whatever happened with bondita, I considered it to be our mistake only which she suffered. It's never her mistake still she.. " said som with disappointed.

" I know som ji but what you think will ever didi forgive us? "

" she has already forgiven us vaishnvi. Already."

" how you know this? "

" because what nobody saw, I saw. Ans I can confirm that she never blamed us, she took all blame on herself. She still loves our family.

" but she.. "

" but she is not saying because she lost hope to love now, to have a happy family now. " said som.

" how you know this? "asked vaishnavi all confused.

" I know because what I saw and observed from her behaviour, I can say she lost hope in us and most importantly on her. " said som and then moved to bathroom without saying further.

Inside the bathroom, he punched the wall hardly making his knuckles red and cried under shower so that vaishnavi could not listen his crying.

He punched the wall again in anger that he didn't save bondita, her sister who called him dada and showed him sister love inspite of javung baudi devar relationship. He failed to save her from blame. He didn't stand for her when his dada is shouting and putting allegations on her. He didn't. Today he felt unworthy of himself.

In binoy's room,

Binoy is standing near shubhra's photo and touching it.

" see shubhra, how again everything shattered. How again our happy family went into silence. See." said he remebering everything.

" after you, avantika bahu make this house a family, then vaishnavi and after avantika when bondita comes with happiness in this haveli then again something happened. Why can't we live happily? Why always our bahu only have to suffer? Why shubhra why? On top of this I can't believe that our son Anirudh whom you proudly says your shadow can insult a women. You know what shubhra today I felt like may be I failed to give the teaching which you told me to give to our sons. I failed shubhra. I failed. He not only insulted her but on her motherhood also. Today I felt he is not your son but someone's else. May be if today you are here,you can stop him and your bahu's insult which I failed to do. Sorry shubhra sorry. " said he with tears in his eyes which he wanted to control but his specs falls on his nose making a place for tear to finally come out.

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