Ice Blue Moon

Depuis le début

                     The room was filled with silence. Kumashi just continued to stare at me. "Kumashi, are you okay? Why won't you answer me?" I asked. A few more seconds of silence passed. She was about to speak before I heard someone running down the hall. I look over and see that it was one of our butlers. "Y-YOUNG MASTER!" He shouted. "Yes Uncle?" I said looking up at him with my arms out wanting him to hold me. "Young master. You must come with me quickly." He said picking me up in his arms. "Bye Kumashi, I'll see you later." I said waving at her.

                 The butler took me back as I watched Kumashi stand there getting farther and farther. She smiled and waved. "Yes... See you very soon." She whispered. I looked back at the butler. He had a worried expression on his face. "Uncle, what's wrong?" I asked. "It's best you don't ask any questions right now young master." He said. He took us to a room that was built for the royal families protection of in case we were under attack. "Uncle!? Are we being attacked!? We need to get my mommy and daddy!!" I panicked. He turned to me and grabbed me by my arms gentle. "You're highness. I wanted to wait to tell you this but. Your parents are dead." He said. I stood their in shook as my heart dropped. "M-Mommy and D-Daddy are.... Dead...?" I said looking down as tears formed in my eyes. We could hear banging on the door as they tried to get the door open.

                            "Little master, listen to me carefully. It my job to protect you with my life. I need you to hide behind the boxes next to the big painting. Don't make a sound no matter what you hear. It was a pleaser serving you... young master." He said before leading me over to the boxes and covered me up. "No please stay with me Uncle." I said crying. I was young but I knew exactly what was going to happen. He looked over at me and smiled, "you've always been like a grandkid for me. Take good care of yourself." He said before standing up and walked to the center of the door. I cried as the men bursted through the door. "WHERES THE PRINCE!?" The men shouted. "He's in safe hands."  He said. "KILL HIM!" They said. My eyes widen as I watched them kill my uncle.

                      "SEARCH THE AREA!" He shouted as everyone started looking around the room. I started to panick. I'm next.... I closed my eyes and waited for the worst. "Hey pst. Akio~" I heard a familiar voice whisper out. I opened my eyes and looked over and saw Kumashi who was behind the painting. "Come on!" She said. I slowly got up and cracked behind the painting into a secret room. "Kuma? What's going on. You need to get out of here and got to your mom and dad!" I said. "Don't worry about them." She smiled.

                          I followed her down the narrow path as she held a small lit candle to guide us through. "I never knew we had secret pathways." I said looking at the old walls. "Silly, I made these before hand~" she said. I stopped n my tracks. "Before what?" I asked. She stopped and turned to look at me. "Uh, Before I could prank you of course~!" She laughed. I shock off the strange feeling I had and continued to follow her down the pathway.

                         The walls soon turned into hard rock. "Kumashi, are we in a cave now?" I asked. No answer. "You know Kuma, you've been acting a bit weird these past few hours. Is everything okay?" I asked. I heard her sigh. "I never realized how much you talk." She said. We soon came to a stopping point as I bumped into Kumashi. "Sorry." I said. "We're here.." she said. She pushed on the wall as I started to move. We both peaked out the corner. "It's him okay let's go!" She said. The door we were behind end up being a bookshelf that slid right back into place. "Well
hide in here for a while in the mean time eat this Akio!" She said as she pulled out a hearted shaped cookie.

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