Chapter 12: Secrets

Start from the beginning

"How do you know that name, Ayame?" Kaede uncrossed her legs and leaned forward as the silver haired man stood up and began walking once more. 

"Hm? Well she's the girl that lives with Shigure and a couple of my family members, including my brother!!~ She happens to know the family secret, surprisingly Akito let her keep her memories." Ayame informed as he clenched his hands slightly but kept the smile on his face. 


"Kaede? You there? What's wrong?" Ayame questioned as he lifted the phone away from his ear and looked to see it was not disconnected. "Kaede?" 

"Did Akito touch her?" Kaede began quietly as she covered her face with her hair and hands. 

"No. He didn't do anything." Ayame raised a brow as he made a turn down the path and wondered what was wrong with his friend. Hearing a sigh and a shaky breath from the other side, Ayame grew slightly curious and worried. 

"Ayame....Tohru Honda is my niece. That's how I came to find Shigure and meet Yuki and Kyo. I thought of it before...I was wondering why my niece was living with them when your family has its secrets. But now I know." Kaede informed her friend as she rubbed her temples. 

"What?! Your niece?! I knew that she was the same age as my brother! But I didn't think--!" Ayame shouted as some people looked at him strangely while others admired his looks. 

"Yes. But she doesn't know that I know about your family situation and our relationship to each other. So you better hush and keep it like we are strangers or acquaintances like how Shigure did.  We don't need Shigure or Hatori to know about my situation -- better yet Akito." 

"Of course!~ I've kept things all hush hush for years now. You trust me, don't you?" Ayame said the last couple of sentences seriously and calmly. The air shifting slightly as he was no longer playing around. 

Hearing his tone and listening to his words, Kaede pulled a small smile and hummed. 

"Of course I do. I've trusted you for years now. Have fun with Shigure but don't mess around with Tohru too much. You understand?" 

"Yes~ Then will you be coming to Gure-san's?" Ayame grins and skips up the path as he was now surrounded by trees. 

"Hm, yeah. I'll be over in a couple hours. I'm going to finish up stuff here and I'll see you in a bit." Kaede summed up, she stood and grabbed her trash. 

"See you later, my dear~ Much love!~" Ayame cheered in his usual eccentric and flamboyant voice, making Kaede chuckle. 

With a hum, she hung up the phone and walked into the hospital.         


"Missed ya since New Years, Gure-san."

"Missed ya since New Years" Shigure replied as the atmosphere between the two changed and became sparkly. 

"You'd better not have cheated on me during our time apart, Gure-san~" 

"No man would do such a thing while he had you in his life, Aya~" 

"Great!" The two said at once with a grin and a thumbs up. Thus effectively throwing the teens in a loop at the strange behavior. 

"So anyway, this girl is Tohru Honda . You came to meet her, didn't you?" Shigure introduced as Ayame turned to the shorter girl with brown braided hair. 

Giving the girl a smile Ayame began his little introduction as he thought to himself, 'Oh, so this is Kaede's niece? I wonder what made Akito change his mind about her...' His eyes narrowing slightly. 

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