Chapter Eleven: Wolfs Bane (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

"Well, in my defense, I did find you first." Peter shrugged. I let go of a breath I had been holding in. Peter smiled at my falter, seeing my brows knit together. "You seem confused. Let me explain. I found you first that night. I was planning to bite you, seeing as you were a much better choice than your inept brother, but things changed."

"What things?" I barked. "You couldn't have taken me over him? You ruined his life." Peter cocked his head once more, kneeled down to the ground beside me and softly cupping my face. I flinched at his touch. 

"You see, that's what makes me so curious about you. You're so protective, so defensive over your friends and family that you'd risk your own life for them. Why is that?" I could feel Peter's nails grow into sharp claws. I instictinvly turned my head away as his claws grazed the soft flesh of my cheek.

"Maybe I'm not a psychopath like you." I retorted through heavy breaths. 

"No, I don't think that's it." My body froze, my teeth clenching together as his claws gently touched my cheek and traveled down my neck. "You, you're different Hayley. And I can sense that in more ways than one." He smiled.

"Then how about you tell me so we can get this over with." I quietly pleaded, making sure to not move my body an inch. Peter pressed his claws firmer against the skin of my neck, nicking it enough to draw a bead of blood. 

"Let her go." Derek weakly spoke up, "Please. You can explain everything." Peter looked over to his nephew with a raised brow, curious.

"If you think I plan on killing her tonight Derek, you're wrong." Peter quietly chuckled, standing up from his crouch beside me. "I wouldn't be able to get her brother to side with me if such actions were carried out." The moment his claws left my skin, I let out a breath of relief that had been trapped in my throat. "Now, come. Let's go, shall we?" Peter smiled. Derek and I looked to each other and back at Peter, curious as to where he wanted us to go.

"Where are we going?" I finally asked. 

"On a little trip." Peter smirked. He walked towards the doorway, leaving Derek and I to get up ourselves. I crawled over to Derek and put his arm around my shoulder. Derek's gaze flickered from the small dribble of blood down my neck, his jaw clenching. 

"You need to get out of here." He quietly demanded.

"You and I both know he's not going to let that happen." I whispered back. "Come on." The Beta and I rose to our feet, Derek nodding a silent thank you as he began cracking his bones back into place and wiping off the dried blood under his nose.

"We don't have all night you know." Peter rang. I was the first to exit the room, Peter following me at my side.

"Don't think of trying anything funny." He smiled.

"Wouldn't dream of it." I replied, monotone. We exited out a back door and Peter pulled keys to a Toyota out of his pocket.

"Not my style, but it'll suffice." He joked. I wanted to roll my eyes at his comment but I kept silent and still. "You," he pointed at me, "front. And you," he pointed to Derek, "back seat".

"Sitting shot gun with a psychotic werewolf. What a treat" I mumbled.

"Oh, and by the way Derek, I know how you like your funny business, so if you try anything I'll slash her throat right then and there." Peter simply stated. Derek harshly nodded his head before we piled into the car.


Other than a few sarcastic remarks from Peter, the car ride was uncomfortably silent. Derek sat healing himself in the back seat while I tried to think of a way to stop Peter. Just by the direction Peter drove in, I knew he was taking us to the school By looking at the time, it was my best bet the game had just ended. We were coming fro Scott, and Peter was using me as leverage. 

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